Just some cute duck videos.

A little video of what is always my favorite part of owning ducks. Whenever I replace the bedding in the coop I always go out there for a couple hours with them and just sit in the coop with them. They like to jump up on my lap and just hang out there the entire time while preening each other and getting snuggles.
What a good Pigweed! Look at her running! Next comes Nettle. Thimbleberry is a bit slower. Stay tuned for the Pigweed tippie toe maneuver!

The really funny thing is I tried watching this after my ducks had wandered about 10 feet away. Hearing "me" call them they instantly ran back. I showed Pigweed that my hands were empty but she could hear invisible ducks eating the mealworms! So she didn't believe me and climbed all over me looking for the delicious snacks I was clearly withholding. The other ducks were also betrayed but not quite so aggressive about it, naturally. All the snacks belong to Pigweed.

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