Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

Well, seven of my ducks are here. Still missing Mr. Green.
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Have you considered clipping the flight feathers??? I never had ducks, so not knowledgeable on clipping those. I do know about clipping pigeon wings. I have clipped chicken wings, but only when I got new adult chickens and they were not yet used to my coop. Did not want the chickens flying over fence.
Hope your missing male shows up :hugs:fl
I hope he makes his way back home and that the others don't fly away for the winter! I didn't think that domestic ducks would do that, but that's not saying much as I've never kept them!
I was just telling Mrs BY Bob about your ducks yesterday. I'm so glad they came home. Even it was just for a visit.
This afternoon, all the girls and my big male, we call him Big Brown ( I know, very creative), are here. Still no sign of Mr.Green.
Mr. And Mrs. Green are literally a dark green color in the sunshine. The other girls are various patterns of black.
We originally had another big brown drake I called Big Guy but he got sick and died. I was very upset that day.
Another pretty black girl with white markings disappeared last summer. I think that was a predator.
I’m pretty sure Mr. Green wasn’t predated, I think he flew off.
But who knows. I’m still thinking he might show up. C45B35EB-6C3D-4E81-A83A-2EB7E57DB649.jpeg

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