Kate's Sassy Seramas

Question for you guys.... How soon do you notice males start mating?

I have an offer for a couple of my adult roosters, but its the only 2 that I have fertilizing eggs now. My younger ones are 10 weeks old. How long until they take over the duties? I know the hens can go without for a couple weeks or so, and eggs still be fertile, but I don't want to give up the big boys too soon.
Question for you guys.... How soon do you notice males start mating?

I have an offer for a couple of my adult roosters, but its the only 2 that I have fertilizing eggs now. My younger ones are 10 weeks old. How long until they take over the duties? I know the hens can go without for a couple weeks or so, and eggs still be fertile True., but I don't want to give up the big boys too soon.e
I have used cockerels as young as 12 weeks and the eggs were fertile from them, BUT DTS was very high. This changed as the roosters became more mature. I can not know for sure that the DIS was the result of immature males, however, the indication was there. I would recommend that they be at least 16 weeks old.

Growth rate plays a role in this too. I have a young cockerel now that at 16 weeks is quite immature. On the same note, I had a young pullet start laying eggs just over 3 months a couple years ago; most of my young pullets are still peeping at 3 months.

In short, look at your young roosters. Do they LOOK, SOUND, and ACT almost mature? If so they probably are.

Also, at 10 weeks you can not be positive the cockerels are of the same quality as your older roosters.

I'd think your buyer might be willing to wait a month to get birds he/she really wants. That would give you time to make a more informed decision.
Question for you guys.... How soon do you notice males start mating? 

I have an offer for a couple of my adult roosters, but its the only 2 that I have fertilizing eggs now.  My younger ones are 10 weeks old.  How long until they take over the duties?  I know the hens can go without for a couple weeks or so, and eggs still be fertile, but I don't want to give up the big boys too soon.

I normally wait until they are about 3 months. If they can do the job then I would keep them!
That's yall. He backed out anyway.

But I know what you mean. I have one little fella that had a red comb very very early, but he's very small, and is still immature seeming. Another one that is much bigger, very little redness in his comb, I'm even still wondering if he's a she, by looks. But he is all boy by actions. Challenges the bigger roosters (they just laugh at him lol) and I put 2 other young males in with them to watch reaction, and that little fella went after them.

Here he is. Main tails still haven't sprouted. What do you think?
He is from some eggs that I won from MPC. 10-11 weeks old.

That's yall. He backed out anyway.

But I know what you mean. I have one little fella that had a red comb very very early, but he's very small, and is still immature seeming. Another one that is much bigger, very little redness in his comb, I'm even still wondering if he's a she, by looks. But he is all boy by actions. Challenges the bigger roosters (they just laugh at him lol) and I put 2 other young males in with them to watch reaction, and that little fella went after them.

Here he is. Main tails still haven't sprouted. What do you think?
He is from some eggs that I won from MPC. 10-11 weeks old.

it is always hard to tell. I had one that looked like that and she ended up just behind a sassy pullet lol! I would wait another week and then post a picture again, sometimes it is really hard to tell!
That's not the most recent pic. Here's another, more recent one.

Looks like a pullet. My most immature roosters left no guess work at 10-11 weeks of age. A sassy pullet! Yes, please post another picture in a week or so. And with that comb, don't be overly surprised if HE lays an egg in a few weeks.

This girl has gone broody!!

Question, when your girls go broody do you notice them being a little 'off' for a few days prior? I noticed she had been wandering around a little bit more not really as alert as usual. I noticed her comb wasn't as red as the others girls combs anymore yesterday and was a little worried.

When I got home from work I saw her like this but flatter with her wings kind of open. She's a very sweet girl. I went to see how she would respond if I put my hand under her. She didn't puff up or try to peck me. She just kinda looked around blankly.

I put a few eggs I've been setting aside for hatching and placed them around her. She ever so slowly and gently tucked them under her one by one!!

So we shall see if she stays broody. She's only 7 months old, so seems to be a little young to be brooding already, but she IS a Serama <3 <3

Anyway, going back to my question.. do you guys notice your girls acting strangely shorting before going broody? Also, how many Serama sized eggs do you let your girls set on? I have 5 under her right now.

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