Kathyinmo, You are AWESOME! Thank you!

What an incredibly wonderful thing to find in the mail!
Ohh Laney, I have a yarn addiction too! But like you am into the animals now. I just cleaned out a drawer and what did I find at the bottom... yarn and needles. I have totes in the shed full.

We gotta talk (but not on their thread) LOL
Oh, for heaven's sake ... it's just some fabric. I believe in sharing, and get pleasure from that. I will never be able to use all the stash I have accumulated. I'm just glad you can get some use out of it. You be sure to keep us updated on the projects!
Well, it touched me a great deal, so just take your lumps, Kath. Oh, btw, hopefully, you'll get your pkg tomorrow, but if not, Monday, then.
It isn't much, just a small token. Oh, my, I have so many ideas, I'm overwhelmed! I did cut some for the tablecloth. Will design that as I go, but the bright gold Jinny Beyer was just perfect for it. Thanks again. And yes, I'll post pictures, though a master quilter, I'm not.

ETA: See what I mean? That gold Jinny Beyer fabric was the perfect next border on this tablecloth or whatever it will end up as:

Wow, that is a perfect fit Cynthia!!! Kathy you guys must have had some kind of psychic communication on that one!

Now stop saying the word stash! I haven't gone down to the basement and looked into any of the boxes marked yarn since I moved into the new house!!!! I'm being good and you can't make me be bad!!!! Right now I'm collecting Chickens and Goats, not yarn....and if you make me be really really bad, I'm going to get some sheep....the kind with really long hair!

Ohhh, now Laney, that sounds like fun!
Go for it! LOL (Yes, I am an enabler!)

The other issue is the "addicting" one. I tend to get a little carried away and there might be no room left in the house once I got started on buying fabric.

Oh boy, I sure agree with Rustyswoman on this one! Years of compulsive/impulsive buying adds up to .... well, you know the story, quilters!
What a wonderful gift from you, Kathy!
You couldn't have chosen a better person for it to go to
Yes, the colors and patterns are gorgeous! Can't wait to follow along with your project, Cyn. I do not have the patience for quilting,nor the talent!! But admire those who can do it.
Exactly! Cyn is so giving of her time and knowledge, and is so helpful to so many! Besides ... it was her birthday!

I am most excited to watch the progress on the projects, also! YAY! I love seeing a project come together!

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