Kathyinmo, You are AWESOME! Thank you!

Argh! Tried the calculator and it's giving me negative numbers. According to the number of square inches in the fabric and the square inches on the quilt, I should be able to get it on there somehow. I'm no math whiz, but I think the problem is that the fabric, including selvages, is only 41" wide, not 45" wide. (didn't realize they came less than 45, or am I out of the loop?) I know I can do it by using one of the other fabrics with this one and just doing three lengthwise strips, but this diagonal thing sounds good!

here is an online, "plug-in-the-numbers" diagonal calculator with my results in it. Weird, huh? See the negative numbers?

Backing Width: 95.00
Backing Length: 96.00
Fabric Length Inches: -302.00
Fabric Length Yards: -8.39

I am not listening...and I'm not thinking about my quilting supplies...or hubbies grandma's quilting frame in the basement. I'm not listening...I'm not listening. BTW going to pick up a new pygmy goat today. You know, to ease the stash anxiety......

Well, doesn't everybody buy a goat when they want to start quilting like a madwoman?

BTW, here is another quilt calculator online that may be helpful to some of you. It doesn't have the diagonal directions, but has plug in values and calculates stuff for you.

Here is an actual quilting calculator you can buy, too!
Yes, that is odd with the negative numbers. I don't know, maybe there's not enough for the back with the fabric, even with the diagonal piecing?? You could always do the back with more than one fabric selection, too, for a different look. I have one quilt that I was insistant on only using the fabric I had .... and used a pieced back of different colors. Because it was king size, I didn't want to go out and buy a bolt of fabric just for the back .... Here it is:



I really like this quick and easy quilt.
Beautiful, Kathy! I found somewhere that gave a formula that told me there wasn't enough even for diagonal piecing. I used the busy fabric you had on the front that's in the squares as a center strip and put the coordinating beige on either side of it. Have to take a break for a bit, but I'm ready to put the "sandwich" together. I won't be marking this one. Will do stitch in the ditch so don't really need to mark it.
Here it is, Kathy, with the borders on. I already have it "sandwiched" and tacked together (I use a basting gun) and now, we have to see if we can find all the parts to my big quilt frame. The last time I used it was when I was quilting the one you bought from me, way back last time we lived in Utah. Sorry, my house is dark and that's with two lamps on.

Oh good, you got the top done. You have been busy! Shoot, at this rate, you're gonna have a bunch of new quilts made. I don't know about you, but when I get to quilting, I start thinkin' about the next one, and the next one, and the next one! LOL It's like I have to be in the mood, and when I am in the mood .... look out, cuz I'm focused! LOL You are gonna hand quilt it? How long does that take? I have never done hand quilting.
Yep, gonna hand quilt. No idea how to machine quilt something like this, never done it before. We put together my huge wooden quilt frame. Omigosh, there is no room in my house for this. When Tom bought it as a surprise, we had a much larger house with a family room that was plenty big for it. We have it up and I'm making the muslin strips to attach it, but I may only do the middle of the quilt with it. This is just too big. May have to sell it and get something more compact, like those large hoops that swivel. Even though this is very simple, they cost about $200 new! (Excuse my messy house in the pic. We had to even turn the couch some to get this frame set up so it's all messed up in there) Not sure how long it will take. Depends on my hands, back and eyes, I guess.

I do admire that hand quilting, but could just never have the patience. I hear ya ... the hands, the back, the eyes! If it's not one thing, it's another. Oh, I know, those hoops are pricey. They make them so nice these days, for ease of use, then price them nearly out of reach! Hope you have fun!

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