That flashlight was $39.99 I think, it might have been $49.99. I'm going to look on Amazon to see if they have anything similar.

Oh wow that’s expensive!! We have this super bright one we found on amazon but I can’t remember the name. But the things so bright you could be blinded LOL
They included this nice info sheet and stamped the eggs with the breed. I can’t quite decipher all of them, some are a bit smudged, but maybe there will be another stamp on the other side or something haha but from the ones I can decipher.... I’ve got some AWESOME ones!!! :love

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Yup!! Ordered 12, got 13, and of those 13 I am pretty sure I have 2 Welsummers, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Rhode Island Reds, a Barred Rock, a Buff Orpington, a Lavender Orpington, a Blue Andalusian, an Easter Egger, and then two others I can’t decipher. Pretty positive one is another Orpington but can’t tell which type. The other is another white one so could be another Blue Andalusian or could be a Light Brown Leghorn or a Black Sumatra. Hoping there is another stamp somewhere on it so I can tell. But I was really surprised by the variety!!! I read sometimes in winter the variety is less but I got a great variety!!

I can’t wait till 21 days is up either!! Lol

Thank you!!! :D
I know I am late, but this is what I’ve made of it:

Top Row left to right:

Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Black Australorp, Light Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock

Middle row left to right:

Welsummer, Lavender Orpington, Blue Andalusian

Bottom row left to right:

Lavender Orpington, Welsummer, Rhode Island Red, Smudge, Black Australorp
I know I am late, but this is what I’ve made of it:

Top Row left to right:

Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Black Australorp, Light Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock

Middle row left to right:

Welsummer, Lavender Orpington, Blue Andalusian

Bottom row left to right:

Lavender Orpington, Welsummer, Rhode Island Red, Smudge, Black Australorp

That would be awesome if I had a Brahma! I never even considered that possibility. I love Brahmas. :love

And I am glad you agree it’s a second Lavender Orpington haha

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