any progress from the screamer?? i’m still at no activity....:hit

Not yet! I actually just went and checked/picked it up again a bit ago cause I was worried. :oops: I’m gonna leave it alone now so I don’t kill it but I was so worried I did the first time I held it cause it’s peeping got weaker after that and still no progress. :(

But it did peep some when I picked it up.

Maybe it’s just tired/resting... idk... it’s still only day 21 and I can’t remember exactly when it pipped but I think it’s still less than 24 hours.

I’m just gonna keep the incubator closed and not touch it at all. Still no pips or progress on the other egg either. :(

I’m hoping maybe by morning I will have more chicks. :fl

I’m going to just leave it alone.

Meanwhile the other chicks are very loud lol but I think it’s just normal chick chatter. Idk. They’re eating and drinking and going under the heat. They finally found the food and water so they can’t decide if they want to sleep or eat more LOL they ate and drank a bunch and were gonna nap but ran back out. :lau

They do sometimes quiet down though like at night and I think it’s just happy peeps/chattering, don’t hear any screamers, but there’s 8 of them and I forgot how loud chicks are :lau

It’s funny, yesterday they were mostly sleeping, today they’re running all over, and they have the poor new guy running all over too instead of resting a day first like they did cause he wants to stick with the flock :lau

He’s fine though, very feisty, just funny. He’s still a little confused and unsure about everything since he’s a bit younger haha

Just goes along with the flow. :lau

But I could watch them all day. They are so entertaining and already seem to have somewhat of a pecking order lol

But I know now why I didn’t want more parakeets :lau :oops:


I’ll take a bunch of happy healthy peeping loudmouth chicks over the alternative any day. :love

I’m glad they’re so healthy and vibrant. :love

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