There are so many people who live here that are from New England. You would be shocked but there are a lot of Patriots fans here and Red Sox fans. The mountains are very nice. I think Roanoke is a really nice place!
I know its a pretty common place to move for up here. We did a little driving tour last year and thought it was beautiful. But it would be hard for me to leave a place where we can "live free of die" -
I know its a pretty common place to move for up here. We did a little driving tour last year and thought it was beautiful. But it would be hard for me to leave a place where we can "live free of die" -
I like VA alot better than NH. Every time we go visit NH I like it, but just for a week then I want to go home. I think it's because I'm into warmer weather, I love that everything starts blooming in February. We only have 3 months where the trees are dead looking. We get no more than 10 inches of snow.

The thing I had to get used to here is using a central air system, most houses have them. You run a/c most of the year then you switch to heat for 3 months then it's back to a/c. Another thing We needed to get used to was the people are overly friendly.

Funny story...

My first year here I was getting donuts at dunkin' donuts for my family for Christmas Eve morning. I got two dozen... A gentleman grabbed the keys out of my hand for my mustang GT, I about died. I thought I was getting mugged or carjacked. He unlocked my car door, put the donuts in my passenger seat, started my car, and wish me a very merry Christmas:thPeople down here are overly friendly and it's a bit of a change. They like to touch you and that's something that I have not gotten used to still even being here for 7 years.
Been away for a bit with the holiday and snow - but wanted to say congrats on a huge successful hatch!

Thank you!! And I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!!

I really can't wait until I move the ducks to their own area within the next month and then she will leave 'squatch alone. We are going to be making them a really nice pond, the husband has a great idea for our pond. We are going to need a tractor trailer when we move though!

That sounds awesome!!!
I like VA alot better than NH. Every time we go visit NH I like it, but just for a week then I want to go home. I think it's because I'm into warmer weather, I love that everything starts blooming in February. We only have 3 months where the trees are dead looking. We get no more than 10 inches of snow.

The thing I had to get used to here is using a central air system, most houses have them. You run a/c most of the year then you switch to heat for 3 months then it's back to a/c. Another thing We needed to get used to was the people are overly friendly.

Funny story...

My first year here I was getting donuts at dunkin' donuts for my family for Christmas Eve morning. I got two dozen... A gentleman grabbed the keys out of my hand for my mustang GT, I about died. I thought I was getting mugged or carjacked. He unlocked my car door, put the donuts in my passenger seat, started my car, and wish me a very merry Christmas:thPeople down here are overly friendly and it's a bit of a change. They like to touch you and that's something that I have not gotten used to still even being here for 7 years.

Funny story!
When I first moved from NY to NH, we had ordered meat from the butcher for Xmas. It was reserved under my last name, which ends in a vowel... I got to pick it up and the guy says -"is that an "eye"talian name? In NH an Eye-talian is a sandwich...."
Love this little one :lau :love

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