Investigating Keep getting a pop up

Just got it again. 760445FD-B1D0-49DD-82D3-4D7913463CD3.png
We've been working hard to isolate the problematic advertising partners and remove them from our system.

When reporting that you've been getting these issues, please let us know which browser you're using, or if you're using our mobile app (and which one).
Hi everyone, thank you for your patience and diligence in reporting these ads. We have made additional changes with our ad network partners. If you have been getting these ads and continue to do so, please try clearing your browser cache.

on iphone safari:

on android chrome:

If you still get them please do report it as your reports are incredibly important in rooting out the cause.

Happened just now. Chrome on Android, PST


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I cleared my cache yesterday and was good for over 24 hrs until my last post. I will clear again.

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