Khaki Campbell Hatching Thread

Ok. Ive just messed up. I thought all the eggs were done. I had candled them and they didnt show any signs of development, or so I thought. I took the last duckling out that hatched out and put it with the others, and turned off the bator to clean it
Took ths two eggs out that I thought was bad and thought I'll open them see why they died. One egg was definetly bad. The smell!
The second egg had a fully formed duckling in it. I thought it was dead. The egg hadnt piped at all. I took it out of the egg and it started moving! I so screwed up! Its still got a large yolk sac attached. I put it back in the bator and turned it ba k on. Ive probably killed it. Now Im worrried tho that the sac will dry up. Its still breathing. I so messed up!
Its also not dark like the others, its yellow so I dont think its a khaki.

Ive got another batch of duck eggs in the incubator. Out if the 8 new eggs the original seller sent me to replace the dozen I got from him the first time, five look viable. One is definetly darker than the others. Not sure what that means. The two eggs I tossed tonight were opened. The yolk was all over the place. It had seperated like it had been scrambled.
Probably from shipping. At any rate, five may make it. This time if they dont all hatch on the due date, Im waiting a few days after to make sure I dont screw up and open an egg again that wasnt ready yet.
No. Im so mad at myself, too. I thought it had died before hatch. When I opened it, the duckling was yellow, not black like the others, so I think it was a different breed. It still had alot of yolk to absorb. This time Im giving them six days past hatch for any that dont hatch right away to make sure. Someone else had posted on here they did that and sometimes still had some late hatchers.
Next batch goes into lockdown Monday. :jumpyCandled the eggs last night for the last time and all look good. :bun Keep your fingers crossed! :fl
So far two have hatched . One hatched the 12th, and the other the next day. So far none of the others have shown any piping. They were suppose to start hatching yesterday. Maybe I miscounted. I dont think the others are going to hatch. Should I give it more time or call it quits?
So still only have the two khakis. The others never hatched.
I just finished up hatching two batches of chickens. One started piping but never hatched. I think the others hatching and rolling it around either caused it to drown somehow or other kind of injury. I took it out and started peeling away the shell and tapping on the shell. No response. Earlier when it piped you could see it breathing and it was chirping so I dont know what went wrong.
Its sad it made it this far and didnt make it.

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