Kids say the funniest things.....

Yes, context makes a difference, but the child is 7. You may think it funny, and she may know that, but you are still planting ideas in her mind; separating truth from fantasy, reality from humor is often difficult even for adults at times. With a 7 year old, they are all mixed in together, and sorting out the real from that which is not can be very difficult. I stand by my previous post; you shouldn't even suggest to a child that a parent or step parent is mean.
Here's another one from the same child.

I had 4 year old Madison for an overnight visit this past Spring and we decided to have us a picnic in the back yard.
We got a blanket and made a picnic lunch for the both of us and my dog Estelle.
We set up in our little lunch in a shady part of the backyard and sat down to enjoy.
Madison thought the whole idea was so great plus the dog was joining us!!
As we were eating, a beautiful breeze came up and some leaves fluttered to the ground.
I said "Look Madison, it snowing leaves!"
She turned her little face up to the sky smiling and said "It's pretty Grandmama"
Then she raised her hands up over her head palms up and said "Come on Jesus...send another one!"
I was curious about what she knew about God and religion so I said "Is Jesus someone in your class?"
She said "No. He's Mary and Joeseph's kid."
Trying not to laugh I said "Oh, is he nice?"
She said "Yes, he's in charge of the weather."
Even when she is? Mean that is. Step mom could care less if she ever sees the child again. Reminds her of her cheating husband. So whats worse, a mean step mom or laughing about it?
Some people just have NO sense of humor.
BTW step parents have NO legal rights as to what is and what is not funny. As long as Mom and Dad approve of the humor she can go fly a kite.
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Even when she is? Mean that is. Step mom could care less if she ever sees the child again. Reminds her of her cheating husband. So whats worse, a mean step mom or laughing about it?
Some people just have NO sense of humor.
BTW step parents have NO legal rights as to what is and what is not funny. As long as Mom and Dad approve of the humor she can go fly a kite.

how about some more "Kids say the funniest things....." stories instead.

My son came home from his first day in kindergarten and asked his mom quite seriously "Mom, whats the last number?" Ever tried explaining infinity to a 5 year old?

Not real funny, but I'm out of evil step mom ones.
Now I'll be good.
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Today the boy I babysit for told me he brought home a toy train from Bermuda as a souvenir (they just got back from vacation) so we could share it.

I'm also going to school in part to study Archaeology. The boy I just mentioned and his sister love the show "Dinosaur Train", and I told his sister (6) that I had a celebrity crush on Dr. Scott the Paleontologist.

Katiya replied with, "You LOVE him??"

Me: "umm...well..."

Katiya: "Well I have a solution. You just have to go to his house and tell him how you feel."
it can be really funny to try to explain things like that to a little kid.
During the presidential election we were all talking about everything going on, and the same 8 year old asked my father what was going on.
It was very funny hearing politics in 8 year speak!
Ok this one just happened to Hubby and I yesterday. Hannah, my 29 month old daughter had a lot to say during her poopy diaper changing.

All this was said during diaper change while she yelled her portion to her daddy who was in the livingroom:

Hannah: "Daddyyyyyy, come check my poop!"

Husband: "What did you say??"

Hannah: "Come check my poop!"

Husband: "Why??"

Hannah: "PLEASE Daddyyyyy???"

Husband: "What for?"

Hannah: "Come check my poop for CORN!!!!"

I about died laughing...needless to say. I think I will ban corn from the dinner table for a while. LOL
My then four year old boy didn't get to see his traveling father very often. His dad came home and my son saw him naked for the first time. A couple of days later my son informed me he was done drinking milk...just Pepsi for him! When I asked him why he said, "I don't want to grow up to be big and strong and have a big pee pee like Daddy!"

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