Killing Horses for Humans to Eat!

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What on earth is the big deal? It wasn't that many years ago that horses were slaughtered in this country for human consumption. The reasons horse slaughter was outlawed had to do with sentiment, not logic. The intent was to make life better for horses. It didn't. If anything it made it worse.
Or worthy of human consumption ie vet care injections trying to save a sick horse.
Are you saying that vets and herdsmen do not give injections to a cow or other food animal to save it? Newsflash!! They do. You just hold the animal for the required withdrawal time before selling or butchering it. If in doubt, you have it tested before sending it to slaughter
Perhaps the answer to this question is to let people eat the kind of food and the amount of soda they want. It is their lives. Banning the use of one type of meat based upon some sentimental feelings of some of the people goes too far. Each monkey to his own peanut. Keep your nose out of my burger and soda.

How do people feel about eating rabbits?
Perhaps the answer to this question is to let people eat the kind of food and the amount of soda they want. It is their lives. Banning the use of one type of meat based upon some sentimental feelings of some of the people goes too far. Each monkey to his own peanut. Keep your nose out of my burger and soda.

How do people feel about eating rabbits?

Tame or wild they both are good eating.....
I have a problem with people who insult others intelligence and do not share where they have gotten their information from. That's not the way to convince someone to your side of the debate. Obviously they are right, and everyone else is wrong, but go look it up yourself...

You'll catch more bee's with honey rather than vinegar.

That and I've never been a fan of ad hominem...I would however, if I were as smart as chickened, as passionate as they are on this subject, try to convince people that they shouldn't, and provide every piece of viable data I could, and encourage YOU to look yourself as well, if only to confirm my findings. But hey, it's so much easier to just call you stupid and not give a source.

Sorry to hear that you've never been to a dentist (you claim never to had an x-ray). Also I am sorry that you are so intelligent that you are closed minded to the possibility of a higher power (fairy tales you call religious law). Also did you ever research the Jewish dietary law to learn what they could and could not eat to make yourself an expert to say it is hogwash? Any intelligent person could study it and find some valid points of the diet, some gray areas where it may neither be good or bad. Also there are feed lots of all sorts for cattle but the ones that feed strictly hay to cattle are very few and far apart, almost a rareity.....
Yes I have gone to the dentist. But I never had to have a X ray as I don't have any problems with my teeth. I am also lucky enough to have not had to go to a hospital for treatments. I am still young so perhaps in the future I will have to go. I have nothing against X rays though - I just have never had one. Sorry if that is so unbelievable to you - maybe in my country they don't over do it on X rays? lol.

I also did research into Jewish dietary law at college as part of a Theology A level course. Its not just Jewish religions that has special laws for eating or preparing food. Each religion, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu etc thinks the other ones food laws are wrong.

Most of the things that are stated in these holy books about the food are ill educated rules from primitive cultures that only serve to define the religion and set its people apart form other religions. Following the food laws and other religious laws gave the people a feeling of serving their God and belonging to that particular community. They got a sense of identity and solidarity from observing their religious laws and teachings.

am sorry if you are Jewish and don't like that idea. As for the higher power thing I could say I believe in a giant pink rabbit that lives behind the moon who tells me not to eat crabs are they are from the evil cat monster. You can not prove that the rabbit god does not exist - I could even write a book and say he told me what to write. I may even then tell people they are close minded and not intelligent enough to open their minds to the possibility of this higher rabbit power. I could say I know he exists because I 'feel him' in my heart. But really we all know it is total rubbish.

Eating horse meat that is farmed properly and regulated is 100 percent safe and healthy and there are no moral problems with it. The only problems that arise are from people who thing horses are some kind of cute sensitive super animal that deserves special rights.
I just noticed this, but in "chickened"response to the shellfish,and finding something inhorse meat that you wouldn't find in lamb or pork/beef: "the stuff I read is reliable, but you'll need to look it up yourself, cause I'm just gonna convince you just by my word, I don't want to disclose my resource" (note that's not the real response verbatim, but that's the exact idea behind it) is usually the same type of response when people aren't sure of their information, or are unaware of the people behind the scene's of said "reports".
Actually you are wrong, I can find anything on the web to support the pro or con on any subject. That is why postwars are useless. What I do find reliable are printed medical journals long before the internet. Some of us still read books.
Well, you wouldn't eat "only" horse meat for one, venison has no marbling either and considered very healthy.


Goats eat anything, we eat goats. Catfish, carp, pigs, hell even cockroaches are regarded as food depending on latitude/longitude.

Your fear of eating something not widely used as meat in our country is while understandable based on irrational and illogical thought, unfounded.

There's far too much hunger in the world for me to toss out 1000 lbs of edible and healthy food. Even if it was full of mediccnes, it's better than starving. You should give it a shot and see how quickly you'd plow through a horse burger...
When you have no choice of what to eat you may be right but to deliberately eat food that is unhealthy when healthy food is available is unwise. you are not unwise are you? I eat pork occasionally and I know how I feel afterwards enough to know it is not really good for me but I like it and eat it in moderation. That is proof enough for me concerning pork. Alternative meats to beef in the US were once consumed by those that could not afford beef and if they could it was tounge or sliced lard. Goats are considered clean animals and I have eaten them and prefer not to eat them. It would surprise you what I have eaten, porcupine, possum, beaver, bear, deer, elk, moose, buffalo, squirrel armadillo, llama, sheep, horse, rattlesnake, frogs, any some I care not to list.
Are you saying that vets and herdsmen do not give injections to a cow or other food animal to save it? Newsflash!! They do. You just hold the animal for the required withdrawal time before selling or butchering it. If in doubt, you have it tested before sending it to slaughter
No that is not what I am saying. Meat is inspected by federal inspectors at the slaughter house for minimum levels of pathogens and toxins among other things. Medicines are different for animals for slaughter than they are for pets. I would not eat a cow that has been given banimine (sp) or a systemic treatment like frontline. Most drugs say if they are safe for animals to be eaten. Relying on someone who selfmedicates thier horse everytime it coughs is not for me to eat. No medicine is without residues.
Yes I have gone to the dentist. But I never had to have a X ray as I don't have any problems with my teeth. I am also lucky enough to have not had to go to a hospital for treatments. I am still young so perhaps in the future I will have to go. I have nothing against X rays though - I just have never had one. Sorry if that is so unbelievable to you - maybe in my country they don't over do it on X rays? lol.

I also did research into Jewish dietary law at college as part of a Theology A level course. Its not just Jewish religions that has special laws for eating or preparing food. Each religion, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu etc thinks the other ones food laws are wrong.

Most of the things that are stated in these holy books about the food are ill educated rules from primitive cultures that only serve to define the religion and set its people apart form other religions. Following the food laws and other religious laws gave the people a feeling of serving their God and belonging to that particular community. They got a sense of identity and solidarity from observing their religious laws and teachings.

am sorry if you are Jewish and don't like that idea. As for the higher power thing I could say I believe in a giant pink rabbit that lives behind the moon who tells me not to eat crabs are they are from the evil cat monster. You can not prove that the rabbit god does not exist - I could even write a book and say he told me what to write. I may even then tell people they are close minded and not intelligent enough to open their minds to the possibility of this higher rabbit power. I could say I know he exists because I 'feel him' in my heart. But really we all know it is total rubbish.

Eating horse meat that is farmed properly and regulated is 100 percent safe and healthy and there are no moral problems with it. The only problems that arise are from people who thing horses are some kind of cute sensitive super animal that deserves special rights.
Proving a negative is an older baseless argument than the dietary laws themselves. The only real way to prove horsemeat is safe is to eat it exclusively and to my knowledge nobody does that.

American exported horsemeat is said to contain a list of possible medicines that is 29 pages. Go ahead and enjoy your horseburger... Thailand imports it.
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