Killing Horses for Humans to Eat!

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Proving a negative is an older baseless argument than the dietary laws themselves. The only real way to prove horsemeat is safe is to eat it exclusively and to my knowledge nobody does that.

American exported horsemeat is said to contain a list of possible medicines that is 29 pages. Go ahead and enjoy your horseburger... Thailand imports it.
I don't know what you are thinking about.......

I am not saying its good to eat one food only. What idiot would eat horse meat and nothing else?!

Please read slowly my next statement:

Horse meat is fine providing that farming, raising, slaughter and processing are regulated (same as any other meat for human consumption).

If America wants to legalize horse meat they will have to follow farming and food production standards.

So where is the problem with that exactly?
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Sentiment, emotion, and preconceived notions trump logic and common sense every single time. This whole horsemeat debate is a fine example of that.
I have a problem with people who insult others intelligence and do not share where they have gotten their information from. That's not the way to convince someone to your side of the debate. Obviously they are right, and everyone else is wrong, but go look it up yourself...

You'll catch more bee's with honey rather than vinegar.

That and I've never been a fan of ad hominem...I would however, if I were as smart as chickened, as passionate as they are on this subject, try to convince people that they shouldn't, and provide every piece of viable data I could, and encourage YOU to look yourself as well, if only to confirm my findings. But hey, it's so much easier to just call you stupid and not give a source.


Jeez bacon. You really come down hard on us folks that make up our facts and statistics as we need them. I am not going to argue about the law of kashrut because 98.6 per cent of us don't care what other people eat. Just let me have my horse burger. I will skip the soylent green though.
Its kind of funny what humans do to animals we dont want or need anymore..maybe if we did that to other humans this world wouldnt be so over populated and we wouldnt need to eat ever living creature on this earth.
Its kind of funny what humans do to animals we dont want or need anymore..maybe if we did that to other humans this world wouldnt be so over populated and we wouldnt need to eat ever living creature on this earth.
Not funny!
When you have no choice of what to eat you may be right but to deliberately eat food that is unhealthy when healthy food is available is unwise.  you are not unwise are you?  I eat pork occasionally and I know how I feel afterwards enough to know it is not really good for me but I like it and eat it in moderation. That is proof enough for me concerning pork. Alternative meats to beef in the US were once consumed by those that could not afford beef and if they could it was tounge or sliced lard. Goats are considered clean animals and I have eaten them and prefer not to eat them. It would surprise you what I have eaten, porcupine, possum, beaver, bear, deer, elk, moose, buffalo, squirrel armadillo, llama, sheep, horse, rattlesnake, frogs, any some I care not to list.

I'll keep my original thought on the subject. When people are hungry, it's not because they just didn't have lunch yet...that's not the hunger I'm talking about. I'm talking about the hunger you didn't CHOOSE to experience. Not even on a world scope, but just in our own country, there's thousands, who don't have that choice. See a need, fill a need, I would rather see a lil bit of tax dollars spent to regulate a system where we can extract another use out of product/animal for the well being of BOTH parties, the animal and the humans.

I compare this to the asian carp threat to the great lakes, all these huge food resources, and the best idea was to poison ALL the fish to keep them out rather create a new industry and use for a (while invasive) natural product. Certainly any boost to already established infrastructure industry in these economic times would at least be considered, one would think.

How about this, every unwanted horse gets tested, ones thatpass are slaughtered, ones that don't, can be sent to your preffered horse limbo, where they can starve to death? Happy medium no? or turning them into dog/cat food and distributed to the no kill shelters that keep all our unwanted pets?

You can "feel" the dirtyness of pork after eating it? I'd have to say that's a simple manifestation in your brain due to your religious beliefs, or you really need to reconsider your source for pork.
Sure we would, just towards the ones lower than us. We weren't always at the top, that had to be earned, er, evolved.

Our lust for power over our world would bring humanity to the top eventually anyway, then we'd eat those that used to eat us. Wolves figured that out and decided "well if ya can't beat em, join em!"
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