Kristen’s Chickens and Farming Ventures

You would think taking orders for each other would be no big deal. Everyone does well and it would be easier for the customer. Oh well.

I am glad business is booming. That's great news.

I wouldn’t really mind, but after way too long in retail grocery I have some particular ideas about product rotation, freezer management, and inventory control. I don’t have access to their products, so I literally don’t have a clue what they have available (neither do they, mostly!). And consider, even if I was willing to get involved in moving their stock... there isn’t any written inventory of the available items, some of the items in the freezer are sold but Haven’t been picked up by their customers (months and months... I would charge rent!), and I’m almost an hour walk from the freezer, so even if I could make sense of their system, it’s just not efficient for the customer. Sometimes we were getting phone calls for just Beef or Lamb orders. I blame DH for being such a social butterfly!
I suppose I should be starting with “Good morning Bobs :frow and chicken friends!” Of course by the time I’m up here, it’s barely still morning for many of you, and for all our Australian friends it is the dead of night.:p
That is the beauty of all of us together. To quote Jimmy Buffett, its 5:00 somewhere. 🍹
I wouldn’t really mind, but after way too long in retail grocery I have some particular ideas about product rotation, freezer management, and inventory control. I don’t have access to their products, so I literally don’t have a clue what they have available (neither do they, mostly!). And consider, even if I was willing to get involved in moving their stock... there isn’t any written inventory of the available items, some of the items in the freezer are sold but Haven’t been picked up by their customers (months and months... I would charge rent!), and I’m almost an hour walk from the freezer, so even if I could make sense of their system, it’s just not efficient for the customer. Sometimes we were getting phone calls for just Beef or Lamb orders. I blame DH for being such a social butterfly!
That makes sense. They certainly do not have a well run business but I bet they would tell me that they have a system and it works for them! :gig
I'm here reading, Kris. Interested as always, just having a little problem with responding. How is Hoppy? Thinking about you both. :hugs

Hoppy is up and down, I was going to put her down today, but couldn’t quite bring myself to do it. Her quality of life just isn’t there, and I can’t make it any better. If she were still able to walk it would be another story, but she hasn’t regained that ability since her last downturn. I’ve been hoping she would pass on her own, peacefully.

The last few days have been spent trying to outwit the chickens for me. I had to increase the slope on Mr Marans nestboxes as I wasn’t getting any eggs, at all. And one of Sammy’s free range girls decided to nest under the barn with some of Hoppy’s eggs from last Fall that were still under there :sick day one I pulled out five old eggs and one new, day two I scooped another three old eggs. Day three she wasn’t budging, the rake of doom was ineffective, but I scooped one more old egg and SEVEN new ones! For a good laugh you can picture me on my belly in the mud and a torrential downpour with my arm fully extended under the barn with a rake fighting a silly chicken for her eggs. She would be a sitting duck under there!

Today, I let everyone out except for the greedy little egg hoarder. And we started stapling up a birdnetting skirt around the barn first thing. I had to pause and let one of the other girls back into the roosting box to lay, then back out again. So far it seems successful. We also herded four lost sheep back in the correct general direction of the herd, as shearing is scheduled for this Wednesday.

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