La Diva... They're Heeeree! (More Pics, p2)

Oh my goodness-- they are just too precious!

You should try to record their peeping and set it as your ring tone-- lots of smiles all day long!

- Sara
Congrats on the new babes, they are sooo cute. You just keep posting pics. and telling us about them, love seeing new chicks.
Thank you, Everyone! If you don't looking I clearly don't mind posting... hehehe

@Lindsey, I should be so lucky! Beautiful chicken.

@ lisa: I love the dark marking on your light EEs eyes. I think our EEs are definitely sisters. Although, my bully s the chipmunk marked EE. Feisty! The RIR are pretty chicks.

@VW_Hillbilly 70: Hi neighbor!

@EggSpudition: Excellent idea with the ringtones.

Some more pics. I haven't figured out setting up my homepage or I'd put them there. Hope this is ok!

La Diva (the name of our flock, for now)


The Easter Eggers: Independent, strong-willed, curious, and VERY vocal


Maxine -- Fearless leader and game for about anything. I lover her spunk!


Rita -- The most independent. She's pretty and she knows it!


The Barred Sisters: Total snuggly doll babies.


Zsa Zsa -- She's happy to lay about and take it all in. Instinct tells me this one has some spunk that will come out a bit later. (Zsa Zsa has a fluffy white breast, botty and small white spot on her head.)


Eva -- The sweetest of the bunch. She likes to curl up on my shoulder, tucked under the veil of my hair. She's the biggest surprise... I did not expect a snuggler! (Eva is mostly black with a yellow swish on her head.)


When I find my real camera, I will take better photos. For now, the phone has to suffice.


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