Lack of respect in young people today

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WHAT? At 2 am, kids DO NOT need to be walking the roads, hanging out in folks' driveways and being a NUISANCE. The parents need a boot in the butt for not having their kids at home! Most areas have noise ordinances for a reason.

The cop needs to be slapped silly.

I agree with all that...but this is still America and it is still not against the law to be noisy at 2 am in the morning in some places of the country. I would still not get into the car and leave my perfectly safe home that is occupied by my rather large German Shepherd and drive down the block to ask these loud people what in the world they are doing? Not any of my business unless they are on my property and a little dangerous if there actually is something going on.

In our neck of the woods this is called being an old busy body.

Don't get me wrong...I love my quiet and peaceful country life as much as the next person, but there are other people who live here too. If the neighbors want to have a hoot and a holler at 2 am, it may annoy me but it really isn't my place to say something unless its happening every night...then I might have a word with them.

Unless someone is screaming in distress or gun shots are fired, I mind my own business. I lead a quiet life and I like a quiet neighborhood as much as the next person, but we are still a free country and an occasional noise never hurt anybody.

IMHO I think that the OP investigated more because it was UNUSUAL and she was afraid of vandalism of her and her neighbor's properties more than just being woke up. If noises were common to her, she probably would have gone back to sleep. Too often kids carry spray paint, and other thins, and how many street signs do you see without holes in them?
One reason we have so much strife in this world is because of APATHY and no one giving a crap of what's going on around them.

Would you give an example or two of that apathy to which you refer, please?
One reason we have so much strife in this world is because of APATHY and no one giving a crap of what's going on around them.

Would you give an example or two of that apathy to which you refer, please?

That's for another thread and probably not allowed here on BYC.

But just in this small instance, WHAT IF those kids were looking to graffiti or vandalize something and just because the OP cared enough to check, it didn't happen.
The bottom line IS..
MINORS are NOT allowed out at 2am being drunk ..and god knows what else...
It IS illegal... just ask any CPS worker... and see what they tell you... ( i double dare ya..)

"Oh by the way, Miss CPS worker..... Johnny wants to go to a party this weekend and get drunk and run the roads until 3 in the guys dont have a problem with that DO you?"
Its called Parental NEGLECT...
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thaiturkey...let me put it in barney terms for you...

1. Under 18 years of age constitues a minor, a child, a kid, a brat, a snot nosed brat, but nonetheless an individual whose butt should be home with it's parents or test tubes at 2 am

2. I do not give two flying flips how you behaved as a child, kid, brat etc etc...hopefully your parents had the brain cell cpacity to teach you RESPECT for adults and hopefully they tanned your backside if you even thought about calling a woman a whore

3, I would never threaten a kid with a gun, unless they had one as well but I will certainly smack that smart mouth off their face in a dammmned quick hurry

4. the BIGGEST problem with the youth of today is that too many parents have your mindset or less. Let's hug a child and tell them "no no no it is a time out for you" when the parent should be putting the toerag across their lap and wearing the butts out!

You may call it fear I call it teaching them to have a healthy fear of disobeying their parents and general society...if my kids fear me OH FLIPPIN WELL, they had better fear my wrath if they break my rules ones of which Respect adults which means that they will listen to them them and speak to them with courtesy AT ALL exceptions!

If I am responsible for them and their actions...they will obey my rules. And behave as I have outlined for them or wrath
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Now, I don't know how its done in the city...but out here in the mountains, if the neighbor is not at home and there is a disturbance on their property, heck yeah we check it out! And they do the same for us.

But I didn't get the impression that this was a gang of kids partying on someone else's property. One can do the "what if" game all you want, but the fact remains that a lone woman who approaches a gang of young men at 2 am, from the safety of her car or not, is not a wise one. What if they had guns? What if they were high on meth and got angry enough to attack her? And what if they were just a bunch of stupid kids being inconsiderate of the neighbors?

You can call that apathy all you crime was being committed besides noise~ and the assumption is that these people were up to no good is just that. Being nosey might prevent graffiti...possibly, who knows? And it also may give someone cause to follow you back to your home and note its location for further mischief.

Apathy is KNOWING a crime is in progress and not doing anything about it. Loud voices and music do not indicate a crime is being committed....apparently the police didn't think so either.
I don't know how it's done in the city either, I'm probably a heck of a lot further out of the city than a LOT of people on here, and here, we check on each other ALWAYS. Whether it's kids or adults or bears or moose or a porcupine making noise, we check.
I don't call someone checking out talking loud at that time of the morning/night being noisy. I call it being wathful of yourself and your family. I'm out til around 2:30 am but I work until 2:00 in the morning then I go straight home.
Would you give an example or two of that apathy to which you refer, please?

That's for another thread and probably not allowed here on BYC.

But just in this small instance, WHAT IF those kids were looking to graffiti or vandalize something and just because the OP cared enough to check, it didn't happen.

Is that why she went out or was she annoyed at being disturbed? Are you suggesting that kids are accused before they do any wrong? That's a great way to encourage them to go ahead; 'If I'm going to be accused I might as well just do it'.
That's for another thread and probably not allowed here on BYC.

But just in this small instance, WHAT IF those kids were looking to graffiti or vandalize something and just because the OP cared enough to check, it didn't happen.

Is that why she went out or was she annoyed at being disturbed? Are you suggesting that kids are accused before they do any wrong? That's a great way to encourage them to go ahead; 'If I'm going to be accused I might as well just do it'.

I'm guessing that you didn't see the part of being called a dirty whore just for trying to find out what the noise was about? Just the attitude smacks of guilt, maybe it's acceptable in Thailand to call women b!tches and whores, here in America it's a real good sign of a kid that's ALREADY been in trouble and looking for more.

Did she ACCUSE them of anything? I didn't see where she did, so you're reasoning is a little off base there.
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