Lack of respect in young people today

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Settin'_Pretty :

I sort of have to agree that you should mind your own business

WHAT? At 2 am, kids DO NOT need to be walking the roads, hanging out in folks' driveways and being a NUISANCE. The parents need a boot in the butt for not having their kids at home! Most areas have noise ordinances for a reason.

The cop needs to be slapped silly.​
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Some people just don't get what? Please explain.

Just what i said...
They just dont "get" what what the OP meant by her original thread....
It disturbes me that there are folks that actually think that KIDS should be allowed to be on the roads at 2 am....
But.. to each their own *shrug*... what others think isnt any of my business. All i can do is set a higher standard for MY kids...
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WHAT? At 2 am, kids DO NOT need to be walking the roads, hanging out in folks' driveways and being a NUISANCE. The parents need a boot in the butt for not having their kids at home! Most areas have noise ordinances for a reason.

The cop needs to be slapped silly.

What she said... ^^^
Nice try redhen ....give up now while you are still sane. I am not even going to try to explain...common sense must apply and looking for that these days is like looking for a 24K gold egg to be laid by a rooster!

I hope some young punk speaks to me like that one day....after he finds his teeth from around the general area and picks them up, I am going to be ready to slap some more out of him. I will plead temporary insanity...meopause makes me this eliminates all tolerance for BS and punks!
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Some people just don't get what? Please explain.

Just what i said...
They just dont get what what the OP meant by her original thread....
It disturbes me that there are folks that actually think that KIDS should be allowed to be on the roads at 2 am....
But.. to each their own *shrug*... what others think isnt any of my business. All i can do is set a higher standard for MY kids...

I understand what the OP meant but I don't agree with her actions. Neither do I agree that kids should be threatened with guns.

But you're right, focus on bringing up your own kids. I am sure that your standards are very good.

You might not like others being out at 2;00am and I can empathise with that view. However, if they aren't breaking the law it's none of your business. If you think that the law is wrong, campaign to get it changed but leave the kids alone until they are breaking the law. If you really worry about the future of other people's kids, get suitably qualified and work with them instead of criticising them.

One reason why we have so much strife in this world is that there are too many people telling others how to live their lives. In the end, you will meet resistance.
Boyd wrote:

well if'n u live in the country and it isn't illegal to discharge a firearm, holler SHUDDUP and put a couple holes into the ground in front of ya. Usually works wonders around here.

Well said, I'll agree with him.​
LOL..i agree..its no use..
WHAT? At 2 am, kids DO NOT need to be walking the roads, hanging out in folks' driveways and being a NUISANCE. The parents need a boot in the butt for not having their kids at home! Most areas have noise ordinances for a reason.

The cop needs to be slapped silly.

I agree with all that...but this is still America and it is still not against the law to be noisy at 2 am in the morning in some places of the country. I would still not get into the car and leave my perfectly safe home that is occupied by my rather large German Shepherd and drive down the block to ask these loud people what in the world they are doing? Not any of my business unless they are on my property and a little dangerous if there actually is something going on.

In our neck of the woods this is called being an old busy body.

Don't get me wrong...I love my quiet and peaceful country life as much as the next person, but there are other people who live here too. If the neighbors want to have a hoot and a holler at 2 am, it may annoy me but it really isn't my place to say something unless its happening every night...then I might have a word with them.

Unless someone is screaming in distress or gun shots are fired, I mind my own business. I lead a quiet life and I like a quiet neighborhood as much as the next person, but we are still a free country and an occasional noise never hurt anybody.
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