Lack of respect in young people today

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So you think it's ok to be LOUD enough for a dog IN THE HOUSE to hear you? That's pretty dang loud...

Canine hearing is much better than yours or mine. This is from another site

"Dogs hear at a wider range of frequencies than humans. The low end of the
range is similar, but dogs hear noises up to 45 kHz, while humans only hear
sounds up to about 23 kHz. This means that they could be hearing and
responding to sounds that we can't hear at all. "

"At the high and low ends of the frequencies that we hear, sounds must be
louder, or more intense in decibels, for us to hear them. So, a dog could
hear a siren farther away than we could. Pain results from sounds that are
much louder than our threshold of hearing."

Laura Hungerford, DVM, MPH, PhD
University of Nebraska

Our dogs often growl at the front window and I pay it no mind. the neighbors are about a 1000 feet away at the end of our driveway. Yes the dogs hear them that far away and to be flat honest it's none of my business if they are fighting or whatever as long as they keep it down there. When it comes on my land (key word) then I take interest.

She ALSO said that she heard their voices from inside her house...
Just cause the dogs heard it first..means nothing.
The point IS..they were loud enough to be heard inside her 2am...

And yes, it is legal to be walking down your road at 2 am.... thats not the point of this thread..
The point is.. the noise and disrespect at 2 am.

If people dont get that..well.. then... maybe you were that type of kid too... and now the same as an adult.
Just my opinion...
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I'm part of this younger generation - I'm 22 years old and I can tell you I would never be caught making a ruckus and being disrespectful at night much less OUT and about @ 2am. Though of course I have a 5 yr old daughter.

I was raised to say "yes ma'am no ma'am yes sir no sir'" "please" Thank you" "excuse me" "sorry" and "if you wouldn't mind" - my five year old is getting the same thing beaten into her head. - I will not allow her to be like all the peers I went to highschool with and the younger kids I see all the time and want to SMACK.

I got after a 16 yr old a few days ago who was all and out rude to a clerk at the bank - waited till she was done and in the middle of the bank told her her behavior was inappropriate and uncalled for and I told her if she wanted to get anywhere in life that wasn't flipping burgers she'd better get her attitude and act together.

ugh - I hate being lumped in with all the other 'bad kids' - sure I caused trouble and got into stuff - but disrespecting my elders? Shoot no - I have taken verbal beatings from elderly women when i was trying to be NICE to THEM - and I kept my mouth shut and said "yes ma'am" and went on my way muttering under my breath sure - but not to them batty old women - lol - I was hardwired to never say a direspectful word to an elderly person and be respectful in reason to my parent's generation (as in be respectful but dont take no junk)
Canine hearing is much better than yours or mine.

Our dogs often growl at the front window and I pay it no mind. the neighbors are about a 1000 feet away at the end of our driveway. Yes the dogs hear them that far away and to be flat honest it's none of my business if they are fighting or whatever as long as they keep it down there. When it comes on my land (key word) then I take interest.


Um, yes I know, I have nine dogs. However, when someone is THAT far away mine DO NOT make a fuss. When mine fuss, something is up that needs my attention and I'm gathering from the OP it's the same with her.

If you are Loud Enough to be heard in my House When i am Sleeping you are rude......
and when you are loud enough to wake my dog or disturb me in my own are not respecting me.........

Im one of these older people....i will respect you until you give me reason not too...

You have the right to be on the street but you do not have the right to disturb me inside my house.... i have no issue with someone being out on my long as you are not causing problems for me or anyone around.

but the way the world is today, you have to watch out for your neighbors and yourself....

The OP was in no way harassing them...she simple wanted to know what they were doing...i would have done the same thing....
and ive done it many many many times...

just because someone asks you why you are out there and making a racket (that woke her dog up) is not disrespecting someone...


So am i......and im a woman LOL.....first gun i ever shot was a .50c blackpowder rifle at 7 years old...i can handle any gun.....

OHH by the way.........Respect is Earned and not given.....atleast it was when i was growing up....shakes head......
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Wolf woman I agree - my dogs hate my druggie neighbor and his lot over there - but as long as they are on their side of the trees - they may perk up and look over there or do a minor 'ruff' if its someone or a vehicle in particular they don't like...However let someone step into this yard and they are ready to eat someone alive. Someone pulls in the drive @ night - they go nuts inside or outside they know who is missing from the house and know the sound of the cars - if it doesn't belong they bark, growl, and make the 'i'm going to get you and take a taste" fussing/barking.

My dogs also have distinctive barks/signals for what they see/hear - predator - i.e. coyote, fox, or dog continuous few minute moderate - alert bark off and on when they get too near and one does a growl. Too close by and they get a bit louder and one almost howls. a car - they do a few loud alerting barks. - a person walking down the road - a few woofs. a person in the yard - very loud very distinct " WHO THE DEVIL ARE YOU!? I"M GOING TO BITE YOUR TAIL IF YOU DON'T GO!" attitude kinda bark. I know the difference and react accordingly.
Yup straight up... and what's funny with mine is different dogs bark for different things. Nanook and Norman keep an eye out for critters (moose, bear, hare...whatever), Topaz and Walker are my human alerters for the back area. Isis and Kuma for the front, Lokie and Yukon for inside. But then again, Topaz and Kuma let me know if I'm even a MICRO second late feeding them with this god-awful yip/howl/scream that they are just wasting away and starving to death.
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