Goat Lover 3

6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Hello! I have a 4 year old Ancona duck hen that has almost lost her ability to walk. I have three other ducks and 4 chickens. All of them are healthy laying eggs and doing well. Two days ago while I was putting them up in their coop for the night I noticed Ivy (the lame duck) was not keeping up as quickly and had her wings out helping to support herself while waddling to the coop. I thought maybe she just wore herself out (like they do sometimes running to bed). I checked her first thing the next morning and she couldn't walk at all. I put her in the coop separate from the other birds with a supply of 18% protein all flock feed mixed with BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds), wheat, and oats, fresh water and I gave her a few oral syringes of molasses water to boost her energy. She seems to be doing better now and finally interested in eating and drinking some. Although she still is not completely normal and cannot walk for very long without dropping to the ground. I examined her feet and legs and I cannot see any signs of bumble foot, cuts, scrapes, or broken bones. Any advice and help with this issue would be much appreciated! Thank you!!
I would supplement her diet right now with Nutritional yeast 1 Tab per cup of feed. Just to make sure she is getting a bit more Niacin while she is recovering. And while she is recovering keep her and a buddy in a smaller area so she isn't having to over use her legs right now. In other words rest and nutritional support is very important.
I am giving her plenty of rest and she is in a separate pen where she can see her family. I'll try the turmeric for her. That sounds terrible what your duck went through :/ I will be heading out soon to check on her again. I think she is getting annoyed with me messing with her so much. LOL I'll keep you all updated! Thank you so much!!
I agree rest is best. Is her leg swollen or warm to the touch? I wonder if she sprained it somehow. If it is swollen an anti-inflammatory should help. A soak in Epsom salt water (no drinking it) or some turmeric added to her feed might help. You may also want to let her swim in a warm bath. It can help her work some muscles without putting any weight on her leg and can also relieve some pain. It will also let you observe her use of the leg to see if you can spot anything. Bring a buddy along so she doesn't get stressed.
Thank you for your quick replies! I normally feed them a large handful of wheat every morning and they forage free range on 3 acres all day. In the evening I separate my ducks and chickens into two separate coops. They are not housed together at all, although they do get along well. The reason I started feeding only wheat is because I am trying to get away from harmful synthetic additives, soybeans, and gmo grains. The wheat I'm using is 10% protein and they have been thriving on it for months. The ducks just finished molting and grew beautiful new feathers while the chickens are still laying eggs. I thought just wheat seems to be working perfectly for them. Do you all think I'm feeding too good or not enough good stuff? I am feeding Ivy (the lame duck) with extras in hopes to make her better. Are all those extras not good? I do not have any nutritional yeast unfortunately and I don't think our local town stores will carry anything like that. :( How does the turmeric help? I may try that with her along with the epson salt soak. She seems to feel a little better when I give her the black strap molasses water. No, I cannot find any abnormalities with her legs or feet. No hot to touch or swelling. My Mother thinks she may have an infection and needs antibiotics?? Thank you all for helping me out here! Ivy was a duckling hatched from my one of my duck's first batch of ducklings she hatched herself. I've had her since she was a baby and I sure do not want her to die at such a young age. :(
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory. It helps reduce swelling and pain. Not all inflammation comes with swelling so sometimes your only sign is pain. The good thing is it won't do her any harm to give it to her so there's no risk in trying.

About the infection, one of my ducks got cacti needles stuck in her foot and developed an infection. Her foot swelled up a lot and was very warm to the touch. Your duck might have an infection but I think you would see more physical signs of that. My guess (just my opinion) is that she sprained her leg or ankle. I would start with rest and pain management before giving antibiotics. If she doesn't improve in a couple of days or gets worse they may be necessary. The cacti duck had to go on antibiotics and rimadyl for a couple of weeks but she was seen by a vet first.
I'm sorry it has taken me this long to update all of you. My computer crashed, so now I'm typing from my phone. Ivy is improving well. Gaining strength in her legs and waking more each day. I had a scare lastnight when I checked on her. Her cheeks and under bill/throat area was swollen and puffy! I gave her 1/2cc oral Benadryl and hoped and prayed for he best. This morning she looks back to normal and trying to use her legs more and eating and drinking!!

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