Large plastic coop


May 6, 2020
So it looks like I may be getting 5 Brahma hens. I see multiple plastic coop options and I like this for the cleaning of it but worried it’s too small. Any recommendations for 5 jumbo hens?
If you want easy to clean, the get the resin shed and find someone who can run a saw. They may not charge a whole lot to help with the whole shed to coop conversion. Ask around tour neighborhood, work, even a bar if you have to. Someone could help. Even ask at the hardware or feedstore. They may be able to put you in touch with someone.
I have this as a temporary coop while I move houses. It was easy enough to convert with a jigsaw, hardware cloth, and some pieces of trim.

I have a Brahma. She is a biiiig girl! They continue to grow for, like, 2 years. She is literally head and shoulders above the rest of the flock.
And she needed a bigger nesting box. I don't know how big the nesting boxes are in the coop you have, but chances are, they're not big enough...
If you want easy to clean, the get the resin shed and find someone who can run a saw. They may not charge a whole lot to help with the whole shed to coop conversion. Ask around your neighborhood, work, even a bar if you have to. Someone could help. Even ask at the hardware or feedstore. They may be able to put you in touch with someone.
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so when People say they love their large format plastic coop they really are having problems?
That seems an odd question to me. I'm not sure we'd know, unless the poster actually said they are having problems. But what I'd do is read what all the posters here have advised and then make up your own mind about what you really want to do. If the advice doesn't convince you then you can always go the route many of us have taken - do what you feel best and if it's a mistake, you will learn from it! ;)
I have 2 brahma's right now. They and 2 buff orpingtons are 3yrs old. We call them "The Fat Four" . They are really too big! The orps arent bad, but the brahma's.... dag-gone! And... they are coop dwellers! They dont come out much. As they age... they are GRUMPY! They dont bully, but they will tell you off quicker than anything. They are really funny! If I dont bring treats... they walk away grumping.... makes me laugh!
My avatar is one of them.... her name
but worried it’s too small.
Good to worry, most plastic coops are too small for more than few birds.
Knowing what coops you are looking at might help.
Also if you plan on having a large weather and predator proof run,
which can really help balance coop size.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
That is coop space only. Each bird requires at LEAST 4 sq ft of coop only space.... they require 10 sq ft of run space a piece. If you pack them into too small a space, then you WILL have problems.
PS and if you go for that sort of coop, you need a run as well of course, or an area in which they can free range. They can't just live in a small UK style coop.
Honestly, I would just build the coop yourself. You don't need to have any carpentry skills (I didn't have any), and the coop will hold up through any weather. You can also adjust the size to fit your needs.

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