Lavender Orpington Thread

My girls have been on strike for weeks!

Finally found an egg out in the the mud. Yuck!

But the good news is.... it was fertile! I swapped out boys a couple of months ago, so apparently they are getting the job done. Now if the girls will do their part!

I wanted to post a picture of my girls that I got from you! They're doing great! I call them "the twins" because they never leave each other's side. I hope you're doing well!

@bobrut As my girls get closer to point of lay, they seem to be more interested in me. They have a really gentle nature, but they're just now more tolerant of me holding them and such, which I'm super happy about. They're 9 months old, and still maturing so I think when they're fully developed they'll be even easier to hold, which has seemed to be a trend with the rest of my flock which is a mix of 6 different breeds.
Yes, mine get friendlier with age too. There are those few that have always been lap birds. (Can't help but always want to snuggle those.) Others - especially broody raised chicks - may run away unless you have treats. However, after they turn 1 year, even the more standoffish ones, who never wanted much to do with people, will stick around for some wing scratches & treats.
We saw a touch of sun the other day. It looked beautiful outside - but was only about 12'F. I had to rush outside to catch a few pics of the rare January sunshine. Here's a pic of Mighty Moose catching those winter rays.
Yes, mine get friendlier with age too.  There are those few that have always been lap birds. (Can't help but always want to snuggle those.)  Others - especially broody raised chicks - may run away unless you have treats.  However, after they turn 1 year, even the more standoffish ones, who never wanted much to do with people, will stick around for some wing scratches & treats.

Same here! Even the chicks that I handled as much as possible went through a stage of running like the dickens from me. But they are much more docile once they start laying.

And my big boys! Never ever a single aggressive action toward me at all. Loved those boys. Large and intimidating, but so sweet. I've switched my older boys for their sons now, so I'm anxious to see if they get as big and sweet (and goofy! Lol)

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