Leaving chicks in bator

Setting my own. I have 9 RIR hens and had a RIR roo until 3 weeks ago. I was going to fill up the bator this time (45 eggs) but I found my roo dead in the middle of the pen.
not sure what happened to him! All the hens were fine, and as I said, he was in the middle, so nothing got to him. Went ahead and put the eggs I had in the bator. Figured I'd get a roo from either last batch (4 weeks old now) or this batch, but a friend had two rooster he wanted to get rid of. I think they're brahmas. So I put them in with our hens. Our hens plucked all the feathers from their feet and legs
after all the feathers were out, they left them alone. I didn't see it until they were covered in blood. I was told to separate them and spray paint the bloody legs so they wouldn't peck at the red, but I left them and observed them and they left them alone! Silly chickens! I guess when spring comes I'll see how chicks turn out with them. Right now my hens have stopped laying.
Oh no!!!!! Crazy chickens
poor little Roo's! I had a silkie that my cochin was totally fascinated by the fluff on her head and kept trying to grab at it. I guess something different then their own gets their attention sometimes

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