Lethargic Hen

Yellow looking stuff coming from vent sounds like an egg broke and she probably has an infection from that, but that is just a guess. If I were you I would do a cloacal exam and remove any of the egg and/or shell that's still in there and I'd start her on Baytril, which you would have to buy from a vet or order online unless you have other drugs like Clavamox, Cipro or Augmentin, you could use those, too.
Okay, thank you.
And if it is not that, it's still okay for her to have the drugs?
This is where it would be a good idea to have a vet look at her. They could very quickly do a swab and check it under a scope for bacteria and parasites. The antibiotics mentioned are very strong and can cause problems if not used correctly, so again, best bet is a vet. Of course if she has an infection it will kill her if not treated.


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