5 Years
Jul 4, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Thought it would be nice to learn more about each other.
3 questions:
Where are you from?
How big is your current flock?
What made you fall in love with the idea of having your own chickens?

I will go first.
My name is Krystal.
I'm from Queensland, Australia.
I currently have 8 Australorp chicks. They are almost 7 weeks old.
I fell in love with chickens, when I moved in with my partner and his mum. My mother in-law had 6 silkie hens. I just loved them! And as soon as we moved into our own house I just had to have my own flock.

Hope to get to know more of you.:wee
I'm from Seattle WA currently living in Anacortes
My current flock is 1 New hampshire 1 Banty cochin, 1 polish, a Buff orp, and a silver laced Wyandotte, so 5 currently soon to grow as our Cochin shall be having chicks!
I fell in love whith chickens who lived next to my school at the time (they were hilarious) and convinced my family to get some after 6 months of research begging etc .And have had them always in the many years since :wee
Thought it would be nice to learn more about each other.
3 questions:
Where are you from?
How big is your current flock?
What made you fall in love with the idea of having your own chickens?

I was born and raised in the city (SF Bay Area of California) but my parents were farmer's kids. I would travel up to northern California for at least a month every summer (& Thanksgiving) to spend time with my Grandma, Aunts & Cousins on various family farms. Dad's side of the family grew peaches primarily (and other crops), Mom's side of the family had dairy cows. Even as a young child I knew I wanted a farm of my own with chickens! I worked as a medical insurance processor and FINALLY retired to move to northern California! I currently have 28 chickens (buff orpingtons, red stars, rhode island reds, black giants, speckled Sussex, EE's and one brahma). I live on 20 acres, have an egg business and am currently licensed and have a fictitious business name of "Peppercorn Acres".
Hi Krystal :frow

My name is Kim, I'm in Phoenix, AZ, USA.

We have 7 in our flock: 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Australorp, 1 Welsummer, an EE and 2 Naked Necks. We also have 6 eggs in the incubator that are Naked Neck X Bresse and that combo with Cream Legbar thrown in too.

I debated quite some time before I decided to get chickens. I wanted them mainly for their help in my yard, but I'm an animal lover so of course I fell in love.

I look forward to seeing you around!
Hi Krystal :frow

My name is Kim, I'm in Phoenix, AZ, USA.

We have 7 in our flock: 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Australorp, 1 Welsummer, an EE and 2 Naked Necks. We also have 6 eggs in the incubator that are Naked Neck X Bresse and that combo with Cream Legbar thrown in too.

I debated quite some time before I decided to get chickens. I wanted them mainly for their help in my yard, but I'm an animal lover so of course I fell in love.

I look forward to seeing you around!

Hi Kim,

Lovely to meet you.

OHHH 6 eggs incubating. I hope to see photos of your future babies :love
Wow, that's a massive achievement! A medical insurance processor would have been really interesting but.
Lovely to meet you :D
Howdy! Yes, processing and paying people's medical bills were very satisfying to me. People with cancer or accident victims with huge hospital bills would call me and ask for me to find their claim and PLEASE get it paid. I was happy to help and I always did so. I was good at my job and felt like I was working for the insured person, not a "company" at all! :D
1. Originally from San Francisco Bay Area, now living in the Cascades of Oregon

2. I have 9 chickens (sssshhhh, don't tell, we're only allowed 4 -- but they only just passed that rule last November, so it doesn't count, right?):

2 Barred Rocks
2 EE
2 Leghorns
1 Welsummer
1 Cuckoo Marans
Contemplating a bantam cochin rooster (also illegal here.....shhhhhh!)

3. I had pigeons as a kid, so I already loved birds. I started contemplating chickens while I was still a renter, and dreaming, "Man, someday I will own my own house, and I then I can have ALL the pets I want!!!" I finally became a homeowner, and within 2 months, had my Sweetie start building the chicken coop! I had a chicken palace before I'd even unpacked my own house -- priorities, right?

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