Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"Yeah, we should cut those up," Persepolis replied. She took a few of the tubers from the pile and started using her machete to chop them, careful not to cut herself.
Thinking out loud, Perspolis said, "Luna doesn't want me doing parkour or anything today, pushing myself too hard and all that. But I'm thinking about going to and working on improving my skills so I can hopefully use parkour in combat." She glanced at Hector, watching for a reaction.
Hector's face wrinkled, for an instant. He didn't think it was a good idea-it was too soon to last nights scare. He was surprised by this flare of protectiveness, and he didn't want to tell her she shouldn't. He was just a random dude. It would be presumptive to tell her not to-right?
Hector's face wrinkled, for an instant. He didn't think it was a good idea-it was too soon to last nights scare. He was surprised by this flare of protectiveness, and he didn't want to tell her she shouldn't. He was just a random dude. It would be presumptive to tell her not to-right?
Persepolis saw Hector's expression. She stopped cutting the tubers, setting down her machete and walking closer to him, within his reach. She said softly, "What do you think? You can tell me if you don't think I should." She held eye contact with him, a sign that she was okay with whatever he might say.
Xylo held her close as she placed her head on his. As their skin touched, his heartbeat slowed, synchronizing with hers. He craned his wings even more, enclosing them in a quiet, dark, solace. He closed his eyes, sensing nothing but her head on his. And how much he loved her. He whispered softly, the words coming out slowly and sincerely, “I can’t tell you how much I love you. My heart is yours. Completely yours.” He caressed her face tenderly, rubbing a delicate finger under her chin, closing his eyes to enjoy the time they shared..
River blinked up at him, her loving expression not wavering. She opened her mouth to reply, but couldn`t think of any words to say so she closed her mouth and left it at that.
She continued to stroke the side of his face.
River blinked up at him, her loving expression not wavering. She opened her mouth to reply, but couldn`t think of any words to say so she closed her mouth and left it at that.
She continued to stroke the side of his face.
Xylo’s skin tingled every time she brought her hand to his face. His eyes were appreciative of her affection, meeting hers in soft unison. His family might’ve been dead, and so might hers, but at least they had each other now. His wings cranes down and touched hers softly as his gaze kept piercing hers.

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