Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Sierra smiled at his little joke, recalling how he had almost brushed his fingers across her cheek before his hands had shot out flames. She returned her attention to the wall, before asserting softly with a blush "It's not done. I need to create me too, and Tory." She looked around the cave, before returning her eyes to him. It wasn't enormous, but it had a decent size. She asked softly "Do you think it will do?"

Casimir chuckled as she hastily added that she still needed to add her and Tory to her portrait. He looked around a bit more then nodded. "This will work well I think. It won't be huge but it isn't needed to be large. We can blow out a tunnel on this wall here, as it has the smallest distance to go to get outside. As well as it would drop us out around the rock of the mountain, so anyone at the entrance wouldn't see us. So that will work for an escape route. And we can blow out a small hole at the back for ventilation. We can but the kitchen and the fireplace near the front to vent the smoke easier since we need to build the wall for the front." He laid out some paper on the floor and sketched out the idea he had to show her.
(Anyone in need of someone to RP with?)
Persepolis received her arrows and walked back to try again. She was determined to master this skill. Being able to shoot multiple arrows at different targets would be very useful. With her bow laying at her feet, she retrieved two new arrows from her quiver. She held one up, level with her line of sight. She twirled it, examining it. The arrow was perfectly straight and flawless. Her signature mark -three of her own feathers- was attached to the end, making up the fletching. All of her arrows' fletching was made from the feathers of her own wings. Persepolis examined the second arrow. It was the same as the first; flawless.
Persepolis donned her bow. She notched the two arrows, spaced 1 centimetre apart. She aimed her bow at the first tree, lining up both arrows with the knot in the tree. Next, she used a fingertip to guide the bottom arrow to the right -towards the second tree. She released. She watched as the first arrow yet again hit its mark. The second arrow, however, missed. By about 2 feet. Persepolis sighed, knowing she had more practise ahead of her.
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(Anyone in need of someone to RP with?)
Persepolis received her arrows and walked back to try again. She was determined to master this skill. Being able to shoot multiple arrows at different targets would be very useful. With her bow laying at her feet, she retrieved two new arrows from her quiver. She held one up, level with her line of sight. She twirled it, examining it. The arrow was perfectly straight and flawless. Her signature mark -three of her own feathers- was attached to the ends, making up the fletching. All of her arrows' fletching was made from the feathers of her own wings. Persepolis examined the second arrow. It was the same as the first; flawless.
Persepolis donned her bow. She notched the two arrows, spaced 1 centimetre apart. She aimed her bow at the first tree, lining up both arrows with the knot in the tree. Next, she used a fingertip to guide the bottom arrow to the right -towards the second tree. She released. She watched as the first arrow yet again hit its mark. The second arrow, however, missed. By about 2 feet. Persepolis sighed, knowing she had more practise ahead of her.

(If you're looking for someone to RP with, Alec could be in your area, and Stephen is at the cabin)

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