Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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So very sorry.
My husband has COPD, RADS and now Sleep acniea..... never smoked, all military related. It can be very scary and hard to deal with for both of you. I would also look for opinions of other doctors....... new advancements pop up, and also new equipment that could better his quality of life.
My prayers are with you and your husband. I know first hand the road you are traveling. My husband was diagnosed with ALS two years ago...he is now completely paralyzed and on a ventilator. The only thing keeping him motivated to keep going is he wants to see our daughter graduate. He is also participating in a medical device trial which will allow patients to move things using mind power. Anyway, your husband's struggle is yours as well. As his caregiver, you need to have time and space to take a break once in a while. You may also search the Internet for on-line support groups. I actually started a group ( ALS Caregivers) on Facebook. It's important to connect with others who are caregivers and they can share advice, resources and commaraderie at this difficult time.
You know I do not come here often, but we have talked about this. Now and as always, prayers coming your way! I am around if you need me! <<<< HUGS>>>>
Oh Debi! So very sorry to hear this news
Hugs for both of you, you both need them. And I'm going to be praying today that your family meeting goes as well as it can, sure to be an emotional day.

Rosaleen has good advice, a group of fellow travellers on the same path can be an amazing resource for you & Ken, well the whole family really -- either in person, or online.
Aw Deb, I am so sorry to hear this. Whatever you do, don't give up hope! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Even though I have never met you in real life, I feel like you are a close friend.
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