Lighter-than-air pan rolls

We made these on Saturday and they were a big hit---very tasty. I did not have the bread flour, so I used AP instead. I am planning on getting the bread flour and making them again to see the difference on texture in the final product. I give this recipe a thumbs up---taste great and with it making 2 dozen rolls there is plenty for everyone to eat.
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It should double in size in about an hour depending on the warmth of your kitchen. I put a damp tea towel over top of my bowl and I can see the dough pushing the towel up.
I asked Katy the same thing. She told me that when her woodstove was going it rose faster.

So now I only make these rolls when my stove is going.

Voila! Faster rising rolls/ They still take a while, but oh so worth it.
Has anyone tried this with gluten free flour and if so which flour? I haven't found a recipe yet that is light and fluffy with gluten free flour. And I miss my fluffy dinner rolls.
The only thing I've ever baked was a fruit cake about 25 years ago when I was single, living alone, and my neighbors thought I was completely nuts. I was planning on carrying this cake to my Grandmother's house for Christmas dinner.

After *finally* getting everything mixed, smashed, mushed, and gobbed together I put the glob in the oven. I'd started late in the evening and had spent a couple of hours on it so I decided to lay down for a *few* minutes. Well, 3+ hours later I woke up. Fearing the worse I ran into the kitchen and opened the oven. There it was, brown and not burned. I took it out and, well, it had the wonderful texture of a very dry concrete block.
Being the resourceful person that I was I quickly ran into the bedroom and grabbed a t-shirt (I think it was a clean one). I wrapped the cement, er..., fruit cake in the t-shirt. I had a bottle of some cheap grape(?) wine (a lifetime ago) so I started slowly pouring the wine onto the fruit cake. Do you know that that cake soaked up a whole bottle of wine!

To make a long story short, my Grandmother and a couple of her friends raved over the cake, exclaiming over how *moist* it was and how tasty!!! It was pretty good, I'm just glad nobody was driving after eating some of it.

Anyhow...if a professional baker like myself was going to make these big do you make the raw dough balls when you put them in the pan? 1" diameter? 2" diameter?

Ed from a retired baker, I weighed them out at about 2.5 oz and got 2 pans of 15 rolls.

Or halve the dough and for each half go half-half-third

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