
Aug 4, 2019
So, I’ve had an incident where a raccoon got two out of three of my geese, which leaves me with one male.
Ever since then, whenever I try to let him out of his cage by the lake side and go back home, he follows me all the way there honking the whole time. He used to do this with his flock as well, but at a certain point they would eventually turn back. I’m trying to spend as much time as I can with him right now, but I’m scared that’ll make him even more attracted to me and cause him more distress each time I leave.
I know geese are very social creatures, and like to have other geese around, but unfortunately getting another goose isn’t an option. I want to help him out in some way, but I’m not sure what to do here.
Thank you for reading and helping me out!
He will never be happy at the lake by himself they are flock birds. And imagine he is terrified being alone. Why not try an rehome him with other geese. Very sorry for your loss.

Agreed. You only have two options really.

1. Get him some new flock mates.
2. Rehome him to another flock.

Why is getting him another goose companion not an option if I may ask? Surely you could find a couple other in your area that aren't to expensive or to far away.
Agreed. You only have two options really.

1. Get him some new flock mates.
2. Rehome him to another flock.

Why is getting him another goose companion not an option if I may ask? Surely you could find a couple other in your area that aren't to expensive or to far away.
When I had originally gotten the geese, my family and I had a lot more time on our hands, but lately that’s not been the case and it’s gotten more stressful to keep up with them (as I have chickens and guineas to tend to as well) and since I’m still a teen, I don’t think my parents would be too thrilled to see another goose be brought back home, as they’ve made it clear that we’re not getting any more fowl.

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