Lonely Hen?


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2018
Hi there!
My husband and I rescued Nugget from her flock right after she was hatched last June because she only had one working leg (slipped tendon) and the other chicks were pecking her. We could not get the tendon back in place and her vet did not want to do any surgery. So anyway Nugget gets around okay, but she lives alone. She has a very nice coop designed for her special needs, but now I'm wondering if she needs a companion and if that companion would peck her because of her disability. Anyone have experience with something like this?
Nugget 31 weeks.jpg
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What a sweet thing you have done for your darlin’ Nugget. She certainly looks lonely! Chickens are flock animals and thrive in groups. My suggestion would be to get a couple bantam buddies. They are smaller and would do less harm. You will need to establish a see but don’t touch method before ANY type of introduction or integration. Best of luck and bear hugs to you and Nugget! :hugs
I have an injured quail that had a stoke and was in the same predicament, living by himself. He is in a cage and he leans on the walls to walk. He will never probably never walk normally again. I introduced a couple of ladies that had been pecked badly by an aggressive male. They bonded emediately. When he looses his balance and falls, they lay with him. So my suggestion is another injured hen. Of course hens and quails might be completely different...

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