LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

Well, folks... it was inevitable. We want our Max to stay around home and not go wandering off in search of romance, sooooo.... this week is Max's last week as a boy. If anyone, including the spurts have any reason they think we should not do this... speak now or forever hold your peace.
Personally, I do not castrate male dogs unless there is a medical reason for doing so. I certainly never would castrate any dog before physical maturity. Castrating him will not keep him at home. A fence will do that without the need for castration.
Personally, I do not castrate male dogs unless there is a medical reason for doing so. I certainly never would castrate any dog before physical maturity. Castrating him will not keep him at home. A fence will do that without the need for castration.

Thanks for the opinion.

We actually got Max from a pound. I can't imagine him being put to sleep because there wasn't anybody to adopt him and I don't want to contribute to that situation for another animal either.
He is a very handsome dog. Over the years the more I have learned about how important reproductive hormones are to longevity and health in dogs, the less likely I am to perform sexual altering, in particular at younger ages.


Good fencing will accomplish both your goals of keeping your dog at home and preventing unwanted litters. :D

Good luck to you with that good looking young dog, however you decide to proceed.
How old is Max now? I, like Redyre, am a fan of waiting until you have to neuter to do the deed. Dogs mature faster and have better judgment when left to physically/mentally mature with intact hormones. I would do what I could to keep my LGD intact until at least 12 months old, and longer if possible. However if you do decide to neuter, then good for you for making a responsible choice. I will warn you though, whether he's got testicles or not, if he finds something outside the fence worth investigating he's going to go if it is interesting enough. Even a neutered dog will investigate the smell of a female in heat because it is a different smell. They might not have "intentions" but they usually check it out.
I agree with all of the above....I have a Pyr that is now two and I havent had him fixed yet...was waiting for maturity...so he will be fixed by summer....I did the same thing with my other male Pyr I had. I just think they need to mature before they are fixed...its not going to really change him. He is a beautiful dog by the way!!! I have loved watching him grow up
Looking at this most recent pic I would say he has St B in him
I agree with all of the above....I have a Pyr that is now two and I havent had him fixed yet...was waiting for maturity...so he will be fixed by summer....I did the same thing with my other male Pyr I had. I just think they need to mature before they are fixed...its not going to really change him. He is a beautiful dog by the way!!! I have loved watching him grow up
Looking at this most recent pic I would say he has St B in him

Well, Everyone.... I'm about to change my mind about neutering Max. I didn't like the idea in the first place, but I thought it was the right thing to do. Talked it over with DH, and he is thinking twice now too. We love this dog so much... and want to see him live his best life!
We really appreciate all the comments - keep them coming!
p.s. we think Max is about 6 months old at the end of January. We have been told he was Anatolian/Pyr/SB - all I can say is, whatever he is, it's a great mix!
Having walked through the pouond yourself, you know what a huge problem pet overpopulation is. There is the best reason to have Max fixed. Max was lucky he found a home with you, but just think of how many more did not. Even if Max fathers one litter, that's more pups that are unwanted. He will not miss his baggage and he'll be a happier dog if you do it. Best of luck with him...he's gorgeous!

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