Lookie! Baby Hedgehog!

Hehehe..thats what i figure...
Awwww...I just loved my hedgehogs! I doubt that it will have any problems with the cats. Mine were real interested at first, until I let it loose on the floor and it puffed up and was making that alien noise. The cats decided it was way to spooky for them!
Mine enjoyed cruising around loose, especially outside. I kept a good watch on them outside.
Thats so funny, theres no such thing as hedgehogs for sale in NZ, they are just a wild critter here, that nibble on your garden at night. I have never considered people keeping them as pets before, too spikey.
THis little guy is crazy! He's going to brake his neck or something! I was watching him last night and he was climbing waaay up the side of his cage! His cage is pretty tall too! (for such a little thing that he is..) then he'd loose his grip and tumble all the way back down...

I'll have to video it..i cant believe how well they climb!
my white one does the sme thing . There nuts !!
if i ever loose my male ill have to clim through one of ur windows and snag the little guy
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I'm moving him to a secure location...

*we should mate them though...*
the babies would be adorable!
we'll have a hedgie date night..I'll get him all spiffed up...you can get yours a cute little dress...
Your like the energizer bunny when it comes to animals, you keep going and going, lol

What kind of cage are you keeping it in? I had a couple a long time ago but kept them in a large fish tank at the time.

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