Looking for a daily dose of d'uccles!



Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
Hey, today I was about to go on google for my daily dose of d'uccles (don't ask about that). But then I thought, why not ask BYC? I'm asking you d'uccle owners to send all of the pics of your tiny feathered beauties!
It would also be great to know their names and age and any tips for a wannabe d'uccle owner like me!
@the_peanut_coop @AngBantamLuv
I have velcro dogs, but no one could have told me velcro chickens were a thing until i experienced it myself!! So, only get them if you don't mind birds flying onto your back, arms, head, or shoulders while you are in the middle of anything else! If i hold and pet either of them, i need to set them down afterwards and still hold on, because they have fallen asleep!! I'll post a birthday cache of d'Uccles! 🐥 🎂 🎁 📷
*Coming soon*

(A daily dose of d'Uccles)
New album released!


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Olivia, Mille Fleur & Andrew, Porcelain​
Hey, today I was about to go on google for my daily dose of d'uccles (don't ask about that). But then I thought, why not ask BYC? I'm asking you d'uccle owners to send all of the pics of your tiny feathered beauties!
It would also be great to know their names and age and any tips for a wannabe d'uccle owner like me!
@the_peanut_coop @AngBantamLuv
First is my rooster cream. A mille fleur d'uccle. A few months old.

Next are frost (the porcelain) and cruella (the black mottled one) also a few months old

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