My hubby is the duck one here to - we ended up with 2 males but they never fight with each - i got them a female last month and they still chase the pullets around, few minutes ago I went out to check my one hen that is laying eggs and saw my mallard mix on top of her having his evil duck way with her while she was in here nesting box - nasty boy LOL, I have a pekin he is pretty mellow but that mallard is driving me crazy.
I would love to see pics of your blue cochins when you get them - I am looking for some " blue breeds " just because they are pretty birds.
I really hope your order is not a huge one - I just cant imagine all those birds arriving at once !!!
Thank the Lord! I ended up one short, but it's better than twice as many. Everyone arrived alive, one had an eye stuck shut but I think it's better now. I don't think i'll order from Ideal again though.

My incubator arrives on Tuesday and I am so excited! The Blue Cochins are both pullets so I will not have any chicks from them, but I am hoping to hatch some Blue Orpingtons and maybe I can give you some of their offspring next year. I think i'll probably break down and end up getting a Blue Orpington rooster though! I just can't resist the fuzzy pants.

I'd love to take your three if you still need to rehome them. This weekend is going to be busy here because we have an antelope hunt, but after that I can pretty much meet you anytime. My e-mail is [email protected]
I am so happy that you did not end up over run with chicks it is one thing to add to your flock a little at a time but to end up with a huge flock right away is something complelty diffrerent LOL
A blue orp. sounds wonderful I have a buff girl now she is the only one here old enough to lay eggs and she is doing a great job, she is the sweetest out of all the chickens - maybe because I had her longer or its the breed ? either way I love her !!
When ever you are ready to meet I will bring ya some babies.
My e-mail is [email protected]
you will have to send pics of your babies soon !! good luck with them glad they all made it safe and sound even your hubby's ducks LOL
My Buff Orpingtons are the friendliest. They always come up to me when I go into the coop, and a couple of them like being picked up. From what i've heard it's the breed. My favourite one always tries to leave with me! The rooster is quite docile too. He doesn't like being touched, but he doesn't try and attack me like the Sultan does.
I have to admit roosters scare me - always have since I was little and when I got myfrist 3 chicks as an easter gift to myself I ended up with a huge white rooster I fell in love him until he got to mean and started attacking me so sadly I had to rehome him to a wonderful family, but out of the 20 babies I got a few month back I ended up with 5 black dutch bantams 4 turned out to be roo's but I found homes for 3 of them keeping one in hopes he will stay sweet - and since he is going to be a little guy I hope it works out for both of us. I took some more pics today I will post them in a few days - to give you a better idea what the girls look like here I think I have a couple good pics of Bonnie & Clyde the only bantams I have out of the 5 I asked for. ( told them I wanted pullets LOL ) oh well.
How are the new babies settling in?
They seem to be doing very well (knock on wood). The Blue Cochin whose eye was stuck shut seems to be doing a lot better. I wiped it with a Q-tip dipped in regular eye drops, and I think that was all she needed. I'm hoping out of all of them that is the one I don't lose (now i'm tempting fate!) because she has the most wonderful foot feathering already. The Blue Cochins are the most beautiful colours, lilac on their backs and yellow on their chests and down their legs. The ducks are crazy. I set one of them down on the floor to explore, and it toddled off and then came back running when it thought it had lost me. They don't seem to appreciate the size of their feet yet, and run like they're out of control.

I'll try and take some pictures of them, but I have no idea how to post them!
I had the same problem with posting pics, I found it is easy if you go tp photobucket.com upload your pics there and open two windows one with byc and one with your photobucket drag the img link under the pic to the byc forum it sounds hard but it is really easy.

Glad to hear they are doing great - I know that ducklings are crazy when mine were little they would run around stomping thier big feet and get all stressed if they got to far away from me - now they sometimes follow me around thier yard sometimes run away from me - goofy ducks.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the pullets. We sectioned them off part of the chicken house and coop to help them settle, but one of my dogs died suddenly last night so I don't feel much like leaving the house. I"ll be in touch as soon as we are ready to collect them.
I understand no problem take as long as you need I am so sorry for the loss of you dog. Was this something that happened over time like being sick or something else? Dont worry about your new babies they will be here when you are ready for them.
I know how it feels we just lost a boxer pup a week ago that I was trying to save from a backyard breeder.
i will keep in touch and keep you updated on your girls.
No she was fine at 6 the night before, and dead by 3am. She came in out of the yard and her stomach was bloated, so we rushed her an hr to the vet, and the vet couldn't find a twist in her gut so thought she had eaten something nasty. We took her home, and she was sore but seemed to settle, and I went to bed at 12. I got up at 1 to check on her and she was asleep, but when I got up again at 3 she had died. We took her in for an autopsy and she had a twist in her stomach that must have happened later. It's not uncommon in Bloodhound because their chests are so deep, but it hurts so bad. She was only 4. I got her from the pound about 18 months ago and she was the friendliest, sweetest, funniest dog. I'm glad what happened happened at home though, and she was around her friends.

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