Lost Male duck, 2 females are now just hiding in coop


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2020
I had 3 ducks all about 2.5 years old. 1 male pekin, 1 female pekin, and 1 runner. The male became ill last wednesday and expired thursday early morning while in isolated observation. The 2 females are now just hiding in their coop and when I coax them out they will shortly run back to the safety of their coop. Do I just need to give them time? I'm lost on what to do for them. We lost a female runner 1.5 years ago to drowning and their behavior did not noticeably change at the time. Thank you for your advice.
I have been watching for signs of being sick. They were all playing in the water then then male suddenly started having a seizure. He has left side weakness and couldn't walk. He had many seizures; I lost count. He eventually stopped seizing after an hour or so. He was very weak after and seemed to still have muscle spasms or something. It's all hard to explain as it was the first time seeing this happen. I looked over their area for a cause. Food was changed (found small amount of mold in food), water tank cleaned again and examined, etc. The runner started showing signs of disorientation Saturday. Went through everything again. Gave the girls secondary water with electrolytes, and the runner a small dose of electrolytes and vitamins orally. I haven't seen symptoms since. Not sure if it was the mold, nutrition deficiency, or something else. They girls do leave their coop and play in the water etc for a bit. They aren't as vocal. When I'm near they just head into the coop and sit. Before they would yell at me nonstop if I was in their area. I'm not sure how reliant ducks are on a male to be around for protection (like my chickens seem to be; they follow the rooster around). I'm afraid to get any more ducks until I'm sure I have the environment under control and they aren't going to die from my lack of knowledge. Do I have to worry about my ducks having heartbreak from the loss of the other? Do ducks care about that kind of thing like some animals do?
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That must have been very stressful for all of you - I am sorry you had to go through that.

I think you've done all the right things since - I do think ducks associate fear with triggers easily so they may be a little wary of you but that will pass with positive experiences - so definitely keep up the routines.

Is the water tank for their drinker or the pool?

If you arent already, I would keep up with the added vits esp niacin and I would be adding apple cider vinegar (acv) to the waterer (assuming its plastic not metal).

Its hard losing a member of the flock - please be kind to you as well as the rest of the flock. X
The water tank is their pool. They have a secondary drinking source (plastic). I plan on keeping up on their extra supliments. Now more than ever since it is abnormally hot and humid for our area. I will try apple cider vinegar.
My ducks have always disliked me/never seemed to care about me (doesn't bother me) unless it is treat time (meal worms, greens, etc). I guess I'm worried now that it's just the 2 of them, and the unverifiable cause of death. Hopefully all continues well. Thanks for the kindness and advice.
My ducks are the same ! I look at others here who have this lovely enviable bond with their birds - mine don't seem to give a rats unless I am holding The Tub which they now know on sight (it has the mealworms in it).

But this might help you - I do the bulk of their routine (whilst being ignored or shrieked at for being too close obvs). If I don't do said routine, their bills are put out of joint and there is sulking and / or an egg strike.

So whereas we may not have insta worthy relationship with our duckies, they do need and appreciate us on some level !
That's for sure. My ducks have been very nice to me with egg laying. It's hard to see what looks like them feeling down or scared. I'm sure they will bounce out of it before I will. Hopefully I have the problem that caused the death under control.
Sad news everyone, just found my female Pekin dead. I'm shocked. I haven't seen any symptoms from her. The way she was laying looks like she could have had a seizure. Looks like their food hasn't been touched today (usually very messy eaters). I assume it is bad to have just one duck (assuming the runner survives this plague of unknown). I'm scared to give her up to another home if she is contagious with a disease. What do you think?

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