Mad and frustrated at a stupid ad on TV! (RANT!!!)


I'm not talking about forcing a child to eat something they dislike either. If they don't like vegetable A, they can have extra of vegetable B or more of the meat, etc.
I never made a battle out of mealtime, nor did I criticize the child for not liking something, the way they held their utensils or chewed. The food was put in front of them and if they ate, they ate. If not, there's always the next meal.

DSD#1 has a four year old child that she has allowed to get away with not eating at meals and so she offers him a bowl of cereal at night instead. She has allowed this to go ever since he started eating solid foods and now complains that he won't eat anything but cereal and happy meals. She even sends her DH out at 9 - 10 o'clock at night to buy the kid a happy meal because he didn't eat his supper. I've told her that one night of going to bed with an empty stomach won't kill him and he'll learn that he won't always have cereal and happy meals as backup.
Don't even get me started on what she allows him to drink. Kid won't go to bed by 10 PM and is bouncing off the walls? Couldn't have anything to do with the Dr. Pepper you let him chug down in place of milk or water could it?
It's "take it or leave it" at my house too.
I cook/serve it, you can eat it or not - your choice.

DH is NOT a picky eater though, so if he says "hey this is really bad" then he might get out of eating the leftovers.

It works just the same on cats who don't like the new brand of kibble, or dogs who won't eat their liver
The point I'm making here is they don't have a choice on what to serve. They are all capable of cooking, they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BY THE DISTRICT. The peaches were canned and rather than just dumping them in the tray and ladling them out, she took it upon herself to make something nice for the kids to enjoy. Yes the staff should be allowed to cook, but they aren't. They get prepackaged food to work with and that's it. I mentioned before that our district is 100% free breakfast and lunch; our families are the poorest of the poor so charging for lunch is out of the question. This meal is sometimes the only decent one they get. If the staff at your school is actually allowed to cook be very very grateful, because most districts don't have cooks anymore, they have servers.
OMG I was just watching that commercial the other day & had the exact same thoughts!!! I was in a bad mood after that I was so mad! I see people that come into my work all the time with their kids & the kids will whine and complain for a candy bar & the parents will give it to them "if theyre good" & the heck of it is they get it no matter what. they cant even BRIBE their kids! Im sorry but people like that are reason that I think you should have to have a license in this country to be aloud to have kids. If those were my kids they would have got a beating on the butt & wouldnt have ate ANYTHING at all that night & would have spent the rest of the day either shopping with me (cuz we all know thats a punishment in itself) and/or in their room & probably would have been grounded too. Absolutely ridiculous! Kids should not be aloud to make their own decisions. I have to stop now Im getting furious just talking about it.
The point I'm making here is they don't have a choice on what to serve. They are all capable of cooking, they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BY THE DISTRICT. The peaches were canned and rather than just dumping them in the tray and ladling them out, she took it upon herself to make something nice for the kids to enjoy. Yes the staff should be allowed to cook, but they aren't. They get prepackaged food to work with and that's it. I mentioned before that our district is 100% free breakfast and lunch; our families are the poorest of the poor so charging for lunch is out of the question. This meal is sometimes the only decent one they get. If the staff at your school is actually allowed to cook be very very grateful, because most districts don't have cooks anymore, they have servers.

Even worse when the food is cooked (well, heated up
) at a central location and then sent to the school. We used to have cooks at our grade school (although even then there was too much reliance on canned/processed food from cheap food services corps). Then when the new high school was built, they decided to have all the cooking done there and truck it over to the grade school. If you were Lucky, it was still the slightest bit warm when it got there.
I hate that too Liz! We've had to do that in newer schools when they opened and the kitchens weren't ready or failed to operate etc,, I was so afraid of food poisoning!
I was cooking at my uncle's house, when my cousin's kids were little (they got custody because my cousin was a drug addict with a string of abusive boyfriends). I made baked glazed carrots, among other things. My cousin's daughter, who was about 8, was helping me cook...she informed me that 'they didn't like carrots'.

Me: Well, you haven't had MY carrots, have you?

Her: No.

Me: So you don't really know whether you like carrots fixed like this or not, do you?

...well, no...

Me (not about to get into a contest of wills with 3 little kids) : I happen to be a good cook!
Once they're made, you can just taste them. If you don't like them, that's cool.
But you've never had carrots like I'm going to make.

Her: ...well, ok...

They ate the whole bowl!
you know what i must add something lol
my mom was that way with me and still is with my siblings. she pretty much lets then eat anything they want. the only thing my brother will eat is chicken sandwiches & it has to be his exact way or he complains n wont touch it n TELLS my mom to make him something else n she does it....HE IS 7!!!!!!! my mom always asks me for tips on how to get him to listen bc for the most part he is perfect for me because he knows i wont take his crap and i dont even have kids! i babysat him a few weeks ago & he knows that at my house things dont quite go his way. i made dinner, fried deer tenderloin, mashed potatoes with cheese & bacon n asparagus. he had his choice to drink -- which was either juice, water, or milk & he would not eat it! the first time he ever refused to do something for me. so he sat their gagging everytime he put it up to his face (i could have hauled off n beat his butt), and none of it made it INTO his mouth. i tryed putting it in his mouth for him & after about an hour of him sitting at the table i gave up with the food thing, so i ate his dinner (which was practically nothing anyways). he then sat at the table for 2 hours longer. was not aloud tv or any kind of entertainment what so ever. He was not aloud to eat anything else that night (and that was an early dinner). I was going to take him out for ice cream later just to be a fun older sister, but that went out the window. the next morning i fixed eggs & told him either hed eat that or not have anything else till the next meal. he wouldnt eat n said he felt like throwing up. i told him thats because hes a little brat n should have had dinner n breakfast (not in those words). finally i got him to eat the eggs & he later threw them up in my truck two seconds from his house on my way to dropping him off. i told my mom what happened n she said hed never had eggs before!!!! n i asked why n she said because he wouldnt eat them!!!! so there you go! thats my rant! hope you enjoyed haha.

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