Mail chicks round 2...

And things are starting to not look so great :( .... 5 were DOA and everyone else was thriving. I’ve been watching them closely today and everyone was eating, drinking, running around, napping etc. normal behavior and now all of a sudden 4-5 are clearly dying. They have plenty of food, water, and space (heated and cooler) Nothing else I can do for them just very discouraging to have had almost all of them make it and seem healthy and then this happen. 😕 is this normal or was I just foolish in having the expectation of keeping most of the 50 I ordered alive :idunno I assumed I would loose a few but not that many.
I’m sorry to hear this. Chicks may die for numerous reasons, and none of it is your fault. Some are just never destined to make it.
Ended up losing 13 chicks. Hopefully won’t lose anymore. Hoover’s customer service has been great through this whole process. They did refund me for the ones that didn’t make it. Just figured I’d update everyone in case anyway was wondering how this ended.
Did they refund you cash or credit for more chicks?
Did they refund you cash or credit for more chicks?
I payed with pay pal so that’s what they refunded it back to. This was the replacement order from the first batch of 50 that ended disastrously thanks to slow shipping. I was not going to ship anymore birds anyway even if they offered. They only offered the refund because it was a replacement to begin with.

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