Mallard eggs rescued from cold


Mar 11, 2015
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Mallard Ducks
Discussion in 'Ducks' started by milkweeds, A moment ago.

if(window.location.hash) { var postMatch=window.location.hash.match(/^#post_(\d+)$/); if(postMatch) { window.location='redirect.php?requestPejiiil [URL='']Mar 11, 2015[/URL]
  1. I wanted to tell about my experience with a female mallard that laid her eggs under a windy tree. She had been gone for about a month and when I found her just a bit away from our home,she was sitting on 10 eggs. its was about June 1 2018....the weather was about 34 degrees in the morning and there she sat looking peeked sitting in the open under a tall tree in the wind. The feathers she had plucked out were blowing. The male ducks in the area were coming to my house just a jaunt down the road and gang- attacking the mallard girls I have, so I knew if these eggs hatched right here, they might not fare well. Cold temps, large amount of males, and a big dog that resided just a ways away. I tried to get my girl to let me take her but she ran off...after a while I realized she wasn't coming back and the eggs were cooling all things considered I took her eggs home, candled them and realized we were just days from hatching. I kept close watch on humidity...about 88 % and a few days later they began to pip. The next day I realized all eggs had a crack in them so I opened the cracked area to give them a small air hole.....24 hours later there was no advancement so I checked one by making the hole bigger and noticed the egg lining was tight around the baby chick and he couldn't move. I then realized the windy place she laid her eggs did not allow enough humidity for the babies and after checking every one of them...they were all stuck to the lining. I immediately got tweezers, sewing pin ,sink with hot water, and began the birthing of 10 baby ducks. When bleeding began I quickly went to another spot and continued to open them all half way....each duck needed to be peeled from the lining but were alive and piping just a bit less than before. I allowed each of them to dig their way out of the remaining half of the egg.....being a terrible exoerience...keeping the heat warm enough to prevent any of them getting a chill.....some needed to be dipped in warm water and blown dried....but after 3 hours we delivered 10 healthy baby mallards from their straight jackeded egg.....and today we have 10 beautiful month old mallard babies running about the yard with the others . I felt badly taking her eggs home, but realized once hatching had begun , had I left them there for nature to take its course....all 10 mallard babies would have died in their shell twisted like a pretzel.....never to breath or fly...I felt this might be a heart felt story to brighten up your day....since it had such a happy email has been changed to [email protected] if anyone would like to contact about this.....

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