MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

RoboDuck was doing this for your own good, no one wants to get in trouble...Its better off putting the statement as "My new mallard duckling I got!" Without much details so the wrong person doesnt come across it to report you....Thankfully most people on this thread are very understanding and wont due such a thing but all it takes is one wrong person
Oh well......Its slowly getting further in the pages so anyone with bad intentions will have to be a **** and comb through the older posts to find it, which is unlikely.....SO how is your little duck doing :)
She's doing pretty good, she get so excited when she sees me making the food it's so adorable. This is my first mallard, I've had the larger breeds like Rouens and Pekins.. She loves to cuddle too
I just took mine outside, they haven't been flowing me much unless I take them for a walk down the hall for a bath but today was te first day I really took them out and they got really scared and ran right up into my lap to hide . Then I started walking around they were walking on my heels , and they were listening to everything I said it was so great
Our mallards have been the coolest ducklings we've had. One set we hatched would follow my daughter everywhere she went. It was hilarious to see them running to keep up with her. And no fear. Put them with older ducklings and they would push and shove to get to the food.
Thats exactly how my boy is....My picture (Avatar) is the day I brought him home. He imprinted on me because i didnt have him with any other birds.....He also lived in the house for a few months too

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