Man, this guy makes me sooo mad…

I've been fortunate. Off of Craigslist I received my wonderful cat Tigger. He came to me from a home that included a teenage girl, her mother, her father and younger brother. The family is military and the father was deployed suddenly. The mother and children ended up having to pack up and move back home to the mother's family and were unable to take Tigger, because : A. mother's father has HORRIBLE allergies B. They didn't want to take him on a 2700 mile road trip and risk dehydration, injury, etc. The family showed up at my home with his litterbox, toys, food, dishes, bed, carrier, leash and harness, medical paperwork, flea control meds, and tears streaming down their faces. That was AFTER they met with me twice, inspected my home, watched my little girl interact with him for both visits and did a background check. Yes, I had to pass a background check for a cat. The poor teen girl SHOOK so hard as she handed me Tigger that my heart about broke for her. I promised her pictures and updates. That was in March of 2010. We are still in contact and they get updates and fresh photo's every month.

I would much rather hear of someone genuinely trying to find their animals a good home, than hear of them dumping them on the side of the road, leaving them alone and neglecting them because they are worried about how others will perceive them for advertising that they want to "get rid of them" or just flat out abusing and killing them. Respectfully, my opinion.
Hi all, I had no idea my post would get so many posts. I think this is actually a record for responses!
Craigslist is the most awesome tool if used in the right way – my entire house is filled with Craigslist finds. And I do agree, after consideration that he is really trying to do the right thing. I have rehomed an unwanted roo on CL to a woman and her family whom we have become good friends with even though said roo grew up to become a nasty, ornery guy that she rehomed too through CL. Her and her children even visited him at his new home to make sure he was ok. He has a happy life with more space and more hens. Having said that, I was ready to take Mr. Roo and decide his fate another way because I felt personally responsible for him since he came from me originally.

My feelings aren't hurt that many disagreed with me on this. As a matter of fact, you all helped me to see things differently, which is a good thing - right? There are always two sides to every story.

And I just wanted to clarify that the person who wrote the ad was indeed a man. Not that that matters though.
It is always difficult to know a person through an ad. We don't know this person's situation and so judgement should be held. Too many times feelings get hurt or tension rises up because things can easily be misinterpreted. I see nothing wrong with the ad and think some people may be reading into it things that may not be true. Don't be so quick to rush to judgement.
I rehomed 3 of my leghorn hens when they would not stop attacking my 3 RSL hens. I felt bad but it was stressful to keep them. I got my rooster off of craigs.He is pretty darn awesome except for his all day crowing.

I will admit there are times I get tired of taking care of ALL my animals and would love to rehome them. I did rehome a hamster and guinea pigs and I still miss them over a year later!
Glad you didn't take offense. I don't think any of us meant to offend you, I know I didn't. We simply saw the ad differently and expressed that. I'm glad posting it and getting the feedback gave you a chance to look at it differently, that's great.
Glad you didn't take offense. I don't think any of us meant to offend you, I know I didn't. We simply saw the ad differently and expressed that. I'm glad posting it and getting the feedback gave you a chance to look at it differently, that's great.

Well I just read about a mouse on another post and it reminded me that years ago I bought 3 mice for pets and then found I had to keep them in a closed room cuz my terrier was going crazy over them. Then he just lay outside their door and wouldn't eat or sleep so I had to "rehome" the mice to the neighbors house and they all died, so I'm not so HIGH AND MIGHTY now.

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