Manitoba Members

Hello fellow Manitobans. I'm located South of Winnipeg. This is our first year with chickens and they are great. We have 10 layers which started to lay eggs right at 19 weeks of age and we are now getting 9 eggs a day! We also have 9 bantams that we picked up beginning of June (also from Berg's). We originally ordered 10 but one was taken from us by a hawk not long ago. Out of the 9 bantams we have, 4 have turned out to be roos. So, we have 2 white silkie roos for sale if anyone is interested.

The chickens are currently housed in my son's old playhouse that he never uses. Soon, they will be moved into the barn once we finish building a room for them. The new room is quite large for the number of birds we have this winter (10 x 24), but we are planning to get more chickens next spring so are building 'for the future'. If the room is too big, we will put a temporary wall in it to make it smaller and more cozy for them. We'll see. The room is totally insulated (including the ceiling) and will have at least 1 place to hang a heat lamp. Plenty of nesting boxes and roosts for everyone.

I'm hoping to get more layers as well as some marans next spring. I just love the color of their dark eggs! For now, I am just enjoying my "girls". It is so nice to look out the window and see chickens waddling around the yard.

Hey hey looks like we might be close to each other. I live near Ste-Anne. I have had chickens for 4 or 5 years now.
Hi Diane! Nice to meet you. I haven't spent a whole lot of time here reading the forums yet, but I'm working on it. We finally got our chickens moved into the barn and they seem to like it so much better than the drafty playhouses they were in. Especially with this colder weather.

If anyone here in Southern Manitoba is interested, we will give away both the white silkie bantam roosters AND a buff silkie bantam roo as well. Turns out we have FIVE roosters. That is just way too many. If anyone is interested, send me a message.

Hello Fellow Manitobans!

I was given a clutch of fertilized eggs last spring for my broody Rhode Island Red and she hatched them and all was great until I have now discovered I have 4 roosters . . . I didn't want any roo's! I will keep two but I can't keep four. I have an add on Kijiji right now and not a single bit of interest. I do not kill my hens (they are pets not food) and I am beside myself what to do with these roosters? Anyone have any ideas? I will never get a clutch of eggs for a broody hen again to avoid this predicament.
Hi! My boyfriend and I just bought a farm in St Malo Manitoba and we currently have 7 Speckled Sussex, 2 Dark Cornish, 1 Black Jersey Giant, and 2 Muscovy cross ducks :)
I am always interested in meeting other members and farmers. I would also be interested in purchasing or swapping breeds, etc.
Hi there,
I'm just North of Anola- half hour east of Winnipeg, and half hour North of Steinbach. I've got an old coop full of barred rocks that I've been breeding and completely free ranging. I've been raising chickens for mor than ten years and loving the challenges that come with it. I'm always open to hear suggestions or ideas for dealing with predators, heating coops etc. Also interested in new blood lines of barred rocks:)

Have a great winter!
Spring will quickly be upon us an I'm starting to think about what chickens I want to add to my flock.

I'm very interested in the Black Copper Marans. Does anyone here know of where I could get either day olds or hatching eggs?

I realize it's only January but just trying to plan ahead.

Thanks for your help!

I'm just North of Winnipeg close to Stony Mountain. I've got a dozen almost 1yr old Black Sex-Links, and managed to get a consistent 9-12 eggs a day all winter. I also am looking to try other breeds out, maybe some buff orpingtons next. How has everyone's chickens held up this cold long winter? Does anyone in Manitoba get away with having uninsulated coops?

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Hi I'm in beausejour area and looking for some laying hens Sussex, orpintons, ect.. Anybody know of any for sale? :)

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