Many Breeds/ages, all for sale NW Arkansas-Okies check here too!

I pm'd you. We are about to move our Buff Orphingtons into a new coop they have been in the shop. I would love to have more to move into this new coop. He built it big. Of course I free range most of my chickens.

If some of the Marans are from Bev, I'm way more than somewhat interested! PM is on the way
I definitely am interested in the marans and the blue orp's. I sent an email ... your pm inbox is full. Please let me know the details ... variety of marans, how many & how much! I love a road trip!
I think I've PM'd everyone back?
If you get my PM box full I apologize - please feel free to email too!

I am SO happy with the interest here at BYC as I know if most of you come through with what you're interested in, I will probably not have to post on Craigslist.
Nothing wrong with CL, just I know BYC'ers have such a good support system here and it makes me happy to know I could place my babies in these wonderful homes.

The only way at this point I can figure to make this work is to have a "Chicken Open House" this Saturday and Sunday 11am-3pm. This allows those of you farther away to get here and able to see what chickens you might want to add to your family.

I've PM'd a lot of you with my phone #, if not please contact me again and I can give you that info. I can either email you directions or give them to you via phone. I'm only a few miles N on 540 from 40, and then only 4 miles off 540 from there. Very straightforward to get here.

Thank you all so much. I am
to know my babies will be leaving me but very very happy at the response I've gotten here. BYC'ers ROCK!
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I did get the "PM inbox full" message so I'll just post here:

Oh, your prices are very reasonable - especially considering the lines they are from - but I just don't know if we will be able to make the trip

I know that "okcarla" had posted on your thread that she was interested in your Marans, and that she was always ready for a road trip; you might check with her....

Jennifer, how many barred rocks do you have and what age.
My husband will kill me but I just might be interested in them I'm at Spiro so thats not far.
Let me know so I can deside If I have room for them.
What do you have that is 6 to 13 weeks of age?
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