Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Now that I've had these pullets a couple days I'm thinking they're closer to 12 weeks than 16. Only slight coloring of the wattles, no other development. What do you think?


They're pretty big bodied, so I'm sure they aren't under 12 weeks, just not the 16 I was told, unless marans are very slow developers?
Welcome Amelia! We began with Marans starting off with a Blue Copper Marans full grown rooster and then ordered 3-12 week old pullets about 1 1/2 years ago. 1 has died since then. But we recently hatched 7 of our own Copper Marans the week of June 22 which makes them 8 weeks old this week and most are fully feathered and pretty big. It's hard to judge the size of yours without something to compare it to in order to give it perspective. I did see cage in background but wasn't able to judge well. I will try to get photos tomorrow and put against something of commonly recognizable size. Then you may be able to see if you think yours are 4 or 8 weeks older than mine. I hope you enjoy yours as much as we all enjoy ours.
Welcome Amelia! We began with Marans starting off with a Blue Copper Marans full grown rooster and then ordered 3-12 week old pullets about 1 1/2 years ago. 1 has died since then. But we recently hatched 7 of our own Copper Marans the week of June 22 which makes them 8 weeks old this week and most are fully feathered and pretty big. It's hard to judge the size of yours without something to compare it to in order to give it perspective. I did see cage in background but wasn't able to judge well. I will try to get photos tomorrow and put against something of commonly recognizable size. Then you may be able to see if you think yours are 4 or 8 weeks older than mine. I hope you enjoy yours as much as we all enjoy ours.

Thanks! That'd be really helpful :)
Wonderful ! I love mine. Only 4 wks but sweet. Still skittish. The speckled Sussex are pretty too. And my Amerecaunas

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