Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Right! Males look very similar to wheaten with a black breast....I hope you got my link!

Yes I did and went and took couple more pictures but Im horrible at getting good ones.



Hi all, I recently hatched out some dark brown BCM eggs, or what I thought were pure BCM eggs, but now that they have hatched I think my Buff Orpington Roo had a hand in them!! Does anyone know what these will look like when they mature? Has anyone else made this mistake before me? I dont show my chickens I use them for eggs so no fear of contaminating the breed here. Thanks for any input you may have.
Don, is this how this color was created, by outcrossing to Welsummers?

Jeremy, Just to test the theory have thought about crossing the Wheaten and Welsummer. All the Golden Salmon I have ever seen pictures of had the Welsummer markings. Just like the Penne crosses no one will ever admit they have made these crosses. We sure no one thing and something was added to get the color. I just happen to believe they should stay within the breed when making these new colors. The French say when you go out of the breed a make crosses they are no longer Marans.

I hate to agree with the French, but they are right this time.

They lay a nice egg, and often. The girls are broody as the orps are and are as good of mothers as the orps. AT least my Lav Orp roo x Black marans hens are.
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Hello Marans Lovers! I have 3 French Black Copper Marans pullets and only 2 have feathered legs. They are about 2 months old and their parents are pure bred FBCM and all had feathered legs. So ... will the one without feathered legs get feathers later on? When she's fully grown?
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They don't usually get feathered legs later on. These unfeathered shanked babies just pop up sometimes. If he/she has other features that you would want to breed you can always use him/her with a feather shanked mate.
Lenette! I'm in trouble! All this spare time having to take it easy today has yielded research on birds and sending off some emails....

Although I think that info you gave me has certainly answered some questions I had and am thinking I know what I need to do...and no matter which way I look at it....there's gonna be some severe culling going on.... Some girls will go to the layer pen, but lots will need to go if I'm going to be able to focus on the direction I'm heading. I'm getting excited!

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