Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Two of my BCM pullets laid their first eggs today. SOOOOOOOO HAPPY!
Color looks good I guess but still waiting on my marans egg chart i ordered so will hold onto them until it comes. They are small compared to my Plymouth Rock but hopefully time will take care of that and that they will darken excited! Can't wait for the other two to start to lay. I think these are from 2 of the Black Copper females which means I am still waiting on 1 Black and 1 Blue to lay. They are 22 weeks this weekend.


Debi-Your mouse story had me laughing so hard my hubby had to know what was up. I told him. He asked where you lived. I told him. He said, "Good. That's far enough away."

Reminds me of getting a big grasshopper down my shirt during harvest. Tank tops come off FAST when one of those guys start kicking!

Whoever suggessted sweat pants for chores has NOT spent the summer around here this year. Hot, hot, hot!

I agree with Don on BOTH counts about the French.

Or was that Walt? I lost track of the post. This thread moves FAST!
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so I'm figuring out who it is that is starting to lay for me...I found these 4 eggs today...the color is improving and getting more even on them...the two on the left are from girls that have laid about 4 times...the one on the right is a first egg. Of course the one in the back is from an ameraucana. I just wish I could get a decent pic of the actual color of eggs. I used a flash and it washed them out pretty badly. Oh yeah...the three Marans eggs are from my splashers..

I have gotten 3 eggs so far from my BCM. Your egg on the right looks exactly like the one I got today. Slight bit of sheen/gloss... My first 2 were a very matte finish. The color is spot on. Let me know what color it is on the chart. I hope they darken a bit with time, but I am not holding my breath. Still, I love the color.
Love the color!! Will try and post a few pictures of the 2 new babies tomorrow- will have to have some help.

Yaaayayyyy!!! Pictures of babies! I love baby chicks....they make me melt!

How many did you end up with then? just the two?
They're lovely, gilavina! (I can't wait to see what my girls give me!!)

To really try to capture the color, try taking the pictures outside on a slightly overcast day. (Full sun/shadow is as bad as flash.) Use something neutral/gray for a background - like an egg carton.
They're lovely, gilavina! (I can't wait to see what my girls give me!!)

To really try to capture the color, try taking the pictures outside on a slightly overcast day. (Full sun/shadow is as bad as flash.) Use something neutral/gray for a background - like an egg carton.

yeah...its my own fault the about the flash. I've been housebound most of the day with trying to rest my back and didn't go to collect eggs until it started getting dark. I caught most of the girls on the eggs, so I know who laid them and marked the eggs so I can track their progress in color. I should have gotten out to collect them earlier so I could have taken the shot outside. Hopefully my back will be better from now does wonders!
Love the color!! Will try and post a few pictures of the 2 new babies tomorrow- will have to have some help.

Yaaayayyyy!!! Pictures of babies! I love baby chicks....they make me melt!

How many did you end up with then? just the two?

We ended up with the 2 babies, the other 3 eggs looked like they stopped somewhere around day 15 - 18 so not sure what went wrong but these 2 babies will help to see what the hens passed on and what the cockeral might be carrying as far as the comb genes. I will have to have DD and DH take pictures, as of this evening I am on crutches due to a bad sprain of my right ankle- torn ligaments earlier today when my ladder slid and I went down with it. Good thing it's a long weekend so by Tuesday I will hopefully be moving better
Yaaayayyyy!!! Pictures of babies! I love baby chicks....they make me melt!

How many did you end up with then? just the two?

We ended up with the 2 babies, the other 3 eggs looked like they stopped somewhere around day 15 - 18 so not sure what went wrong but these 2 babies will help to see what the hens passed on and what the cockeral might be carrying as far as the comb genes. I will have to have DD and DH take pictures, as of this evening I am on crutches due to a bad sprain of my right ankle- torn ligaments earlier today when my ladder slid and I went down with it. Good thing it's a long weekend so by Tuesday I will hopefully be moving better

crazy! what's with everyone getting hurt or having weird things happen on here the last couple of days? I really hope you get some good rest in and are able to heal quickly! Leg and foot injuries are the worst! Did you read about Debbi's mishap yesterday? I about died laughing!

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