Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Sorry pup, just had to do it! Think I've had too much coffee this morning, plus the weather is making me frisky!!!!!!!!!
Sorry pup, just had to do it! Think I've had too much coffee this morning, plus the weather is making me frisky!!!!!!!!!

haha somebody is in a good mood! The weather has been really nice lately!
haha...I'm glad! We all deserve a break in the weather! to work for the afternoon and evening...see ya all later. I can't wait for a day back is killing me
I'll be the first to admit that it can be hard to find truly quality blue birchens or even black birchens for that matter. I've heard there are elusive very dark egg laying blue birchens, but have yet to actually ever see any. So, I'm working on developing some. I have 4 lines running right now...two are from my own crossings and are producing wonderfully so far for F1 crosses. I will keep posting photos as mine progress. I waited until the last part of the hatching season so I could focus on them alone, so they are in that gangly teenagery stage at the moment.

Cool. Do you plan on selling eggs in the future?
Okay, I feel pretty stupid right now. I JUST figured out what BOSS was.
Here I was thinking it was some special super-duper manufactured protien product that I would have to special order. Why could I not figure out that BOSS equals Black Oil Sunflower Seeds?

Would someone please slap the stupid out of me?
Oh me too Susie.................. I have made a mission of finding all sorts of colors & sizes & use them for everything. I have hundreds & hundres that I have found in my wanderings.....LOL. My husband even gives me a bad time about all the things I ziptie around here. I know in the chicken pens they have helped immensely. I used to use them as leg band for all sizes of chickens but since I switched to the aluminum wing ID tags that Don (snowbird) recommended I use the zipties for the new chick until they are ready to be moved out f the brooders into the grow out pens. Then I wing ID them if I plan to keep them.
All my roosts are made from 2" by 2" lumber that my husband shaves all four corners off of so they are now kind of hexagonal. I then put them through the cyclone (chain link) pen sides whatever heighth I choose & zip tie them down tight to the cyclone wire on each end. If I need to change them I just cut the zip ties with my dykes (diagonals) & reposition them & tie wrap them down again. I have some zip ties that are so long & stong I think they would hold up a wall on a house. We use them to put shade covers over the pen walls too. If I can drill a hole & fit a zip tie in it, I have it made.....LOL
Karen in California
LOL-Sounds familiar. I wanted some blue ones recently and couldn't find any, so I ordered some off ebay. With all the assorment of sizes and colors I now just about have a tool box full! I've used them for legbands, holding feeders in cages, holding up dowels for roosts, tying netting together over the top of a run, tying chicken wire to welded wire and who knows what else.

So far I haven't used one on a mean rooster like Debbi suggested! Mafia chicken murder!

The other day my hubby was looking at the top of a temporary pen I had set up. He asked, "What's this?" It was a dandilion digger that I had laid across the top of the pen, secured with zip ties and then hung my hanging feeder from it! What can I say? It was close by and it worked!
Here's a question for all of the Marans breeders out there.

It seems everytime I give my hens Kefir which is a great probiotic made from milk-- a few of them or even more start laying chalky colored eggs. One was almost purple and these are not the normal color of their typical eggs.

It takes about a week for it to wear off. How much is too much milk to give? Has anyone noticed that any other foods or feed change the color of the eggs? Flavor?
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