Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Debbi thank you. Your picture is a better example for me to see the anomaly. I came into Marans by accident so I do need to research the SOP. But the little splash that I bought as a male could be another female so I do not need to worry about breeding................yet. Now where can I put another rooster ?
Caroline, The leg color will be some shade of slate. They still have to work that out yet. I do not believe anyone has even worked with the Splash proposed standard. I believe they were talking about White and Cuckoo being next.

For the Shank feathering some on BYC say it is an easy fix to put the feathers on the Shanks but I have never found that to be true. If you use clean leg fowl with feather leg you will get a percentage of both. I would not recommend breeding clean leg at all unless absolutely necessary. The fowl I was working with had very good leg feathering, but I culled real heavy to get that.
Miss Smarty Pants that I am, I thought I fixed the nose-to-the-bator problem. Well, kinda. Moved it to the far end of the house. Bet I walked 5 miles today!!!!
Still no pips, so will probably walk another 2 miles by bedtime...
Sure Debbi send them out Ha ha
And don't worry about the walking, chicken folks are heathy outdoorsy right ? We don't care if your legs are "well developed"
I wanted to share some pics of my Black Copper Marans to get some feedback on them. My little roolet, Max is getting more and more gorgeous every day. Here he is this week:



These are some of the ladies this summer:



And some of their eggs, which I blew out to save for my Christmas Egg tree!
you guys were busy while I was at work
I was hoping I'd hop on here and hear that you had babies hatching Debbi! Hopefully tomorrow! I know there are several other people with chickers hatching any day now....I'm needing pics of baby chicks for my hatching fix haha
ADozenGirlz BEAUTIFUL EGGS I can not say much about your birds as Marans are a new breed for me. I think that the hens are pretty and the comb on the roo looks good to me as does everything else but take that with a grain of salt.
Nice eggs!

The cockerel has way too much color on the breast, that's about all I can judge at that age with those angles.

The girls all have combs with folds in them which isn't good, the copper-necked one is the only one with good color but hey, its often hard to find a well colored hen, however she's got too high of a tail angle it seems. The rest I can't tell much of.

But they're all still pretty birds with nice eggs!

How's the eye color?

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