Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

So I was bored & couldn't sleep....I logged on to this site and the picture they have of a Blue Marans Rooster looks like 1/2 of his tailfeathers are white...wassup with that?

The same that their Wheaten hen is very poorly colored and their Blue Copper are under Birchen, and show a male lacking Mahogany, which makes no sense because I don't know of anyone breeding just Blue-Brown Reds, and Blue Coppers should either go under a different section or under Black Coppers, and why does the Blues section not work and show a real Blue Copper?
(with of course the white issue)
yeah...I keep finding more info on stuff to use for silkies than for other types of birds. I hesitate doing experimenting since I don't want to ruin their chances of showing...I know that there is blue ribbon show shampoo that lots of people use, but I have to order it and was exploring other options to see what might already be around here. I had never heard of using tide with bleach alternative. Hmmm...curious. Do you know if you can get the white dog shampoo at a place like petsmart or petco or the like?

I wonder if they even make bluing anymore...that was the easiest to use. I'm sure I'll sort something out.

I hope you get lots of splashers...both boys and girls! I might be weird, but I don't mind getting the roos to be able to choose the best one. The splash boy I have has his shortcomings or things I'd like to change, but he is a hulk! I can't wait to see how he finishes growing out.
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Sure, Petco or PetSmart would have the whitening shampoos. Heck, even a feed store may have it for horses. They also have a "stain removal" type of shampoo, I know the mini Poodle folks used to use to remove the tear stains from their white dogs' eye area. Don't know the name though or how well it works.
thanks Debbi....just trying to get all my stuff together now so that during the week before the show I can start getting my birds ready. Its gonna be a hectic week between trying to fit in all my hours at work in the first of the week and getting birds ready. I'm looking forward to it tho. I think I have some really good prospects that will be ready!
Horse mane whitener works pretty well. I use Amways LOC. It is biodegradable and does a great job on white birds but it can also be hard to find in some areas. Sometimes I use bluing, but it is hard to find and you have to be very careful with it. I see blue chickens while judging sometimes.

Horse mane whitener works pretty well. I use Amways LOC. It is biodegradable and does a great job on white birds but it can also be hard to find in some areas. Sometimes I use bluing, but it is hard to find and you have to be very careful with it. I see blue chickens while judging sometimes.


Yes, the bluing always scared me. All those little old blue haired ladies walking around kind of kept me from using it!
Horse mane whitener works pretty well. I use Amways LOC. It is biodegradable and does a great job on white birds but it can also be hard to find in some areas. Sometimes I use bluing, but it is hard to find and you have to be very careful with it. I see blue chickens while judging sometimes.


Thanks Walt. I used to use bluing for all my white birds when I was growing up showing and made enough mistakes then that I learned the hard way. I think its funny you've judged "blue" birds. I always experimented when show season got started on some birds I wouldn't show to make sure I remembered the right ratio before moving onto the birds I was showing. I'll have to see if I can find some horse mane whitener...I don't know if I'll be able to find the Amways one, but I'll see what might be hiding around here. What kind of shampoos would you recommend for other colored birds?
I will be taking lots of pics. I used to take the photos of the champion row and all the other stuff for turning into poultry press when I was show secretary, so not taking pics at shows somehow just feels there's something missing. That and I loooooove photography and usually have a camera with me at all times
Well, after 2 miles worth of walking today, I have my first pip!!
Go figure, it's one of the eggs that never showed any signs of rocking, and waaay in the back of the bator!
C'mon chickies!!!

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