Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Cad~ Congrats on the eggs and the chicks!

Slick~ Anything that makes blue or splash is a great way to start.

Vicki~ The site has been so slow the last couple of days I get frustrated and close down my puter. Going to try those Birchen photos now.
I have a question... What color is the most desirable on the Black Coppers? I love the color on my Black copper, but I have a little roo that I hatched and I kinda like his color too... more the color I think Vicki's roo is. To me though, my guy is copper, this little roo is more Auburn Red color. Is it just a preference thing?

My black copper breeder

The little roo is kinda the color of this roos wings all over. Very pretty, but I want to breed for correct color too and am looking for clarification.
Havn't really been on here all winter. Been busy getting things done around here. Still have several pens to seperate also. We rented some land right before winter for more cattle to be put on so it was a mad dash to get fenceing ready for them. Still allot of work to be done there to get ready for AI breeding next month so my chickens have been on some what of a back burner for me. just thought I would say hi to everyone. I did manage to upsate a few pictures on my profile of some of my youngesters from last year all grown up and pretty lol
The Birchen Male

Can't remember exactly how old he is now. 4 months or so, I think.

Here he was being a twerp to my precious snooty Barnie girl. He had just finished pecking her on the head when I snapped this photo.

This is the only photo I could get of the pullet that was completely black until recently in the last month or so. I think you can see some of the silver starting to come in in this photo.
She is a sweetheart.

No photos of Goldie Locks her sister.

Vicki~ Forgot to say that I love the photo of the gabby girls!
Donna~ I'm not sure there is a standardized copper color that we are going for, I don't think that one color can be achieved overall.
Basically, I think that we a looking for birds that will produce reliable results and good acceptable copper colors....not brassy, gold, straw or yellow. I do think that we are looking for good balance overall and IMO, the hackle and saddles should be the same color of copper with the wing bow being slightly darker, again this is just my opinion, I think it gives them more depth.
I don't know that we are going for a uniform color throughout the bird, such as the same color in hackle, wing and saddles....but then again, nowhere does any literature on them or the standards say that a uniform copper colored bird is not acceptable. Probably more of a personal preference as long as it is copper and not the lighter colors mentioned above.
Hope more folks weigh in on this for you.
Havn't really been on here all winter. Been busy getting things done around here. Still have several pens to seperate also. We rented some land right before winter for more cattle to be put on so it was a mad dash to get fenceing ready for them. Still allot of work to be done there to get ready for AI breeding next month so my chickens have been on some what of a back burner for me. just thought I would say hi to everyone. I did manage to upsate a few pictures on my profile of some of my youngesters from last year all grown up and pretty lol

Hi! Sounds like you have been busy. Glad to see you back!
GREAT shot!!

(PS. Incubator is loaded with 30 Silkie eggs. Finally! Assuming they grow, due to hatch Easter weekend. Will be candling this weekend ....
Good Luck! We pull the turner some time on Sat(3/24) with the hatch due Tuesday. These are eggs from my Blue Cuckoo Marans rooster over his daughters(4), 2 are regular cuckoo color, 1 is lighter cuckoo color and 1 is blue cuckoo. By the way where should I look on how to post pictures that are in my album on BYC?
got a couple of pics last night. some of the eggs that will be going into the incubator....the white is a sussex egg and all the others are from Black and Splash copper ladies. Hope the bloomy eggs hatch.

I was playing with settings on my camera and caught the girls in a what looks like a gab session over their main man. Kinda cracks me up!

Looks like someone got caught cheating. Lol

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