Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Quote: They LOVE them. Wet or dry. I start them off early so they have a taste for them. I just mix it in about 1 part barley to 4 parts Layer feed. I cut the protein with scratch with a 1/2 part. I use 2 dif kinds of Layer Feed 1 with Pork as the protein and it is 22% and then a grain based one that is 16%. The barley can be as high as 30% so I don't want to over do it. The pullets get a little high barley 1 part to 2 parts feed and that is it. Helps TONS on my feed bill. I have been buying about 1500 lbs a month of feed and it would be about 2000lb if I didn't use the barley.
They LOVE them. Wet or dry. I start them off early so they have a taste for them. I just mix it in about 1 part barley to 4 parts Layer feed. I cut the protein with scratch with a 1/2 part. I use 2 dif kinds of Layer Feed 1 with Pork as the protein and it is 22% and then a grain based one that is 16%. The barley can be as high as 30% so I don't want to over do it. The pullets get a little high barley 1 part to 2 parts feed and that is it. Helps TONS on my feed bill. I have been buying about 1500 lbs a month of feed and it would be about 2000lb if I didn't use the barley.
I hear ya on the feed bill. I'm working on some plans that will have to be implemented slowly over time to help fray costs and get better diet to my birds...and am in the middle of the gathering info phase and mulling over things, but hope to make some progress to start at least some of my plans next year.
Quote: I am going to start cutting small patches of grass with the mulcher bagger mower and feeding to the chickens a couple of time a week. They don't get to free range so it may help in MANY ways really. It can't hurt and might cut the feed bill a TINNY bit.
Might start drying it like I do the barley to store or mix in the feed.
Wow, I have pullets that are 20 weeks and still nothing
. Maybe the heat? No cockerels with them, lol.
You mean eggs? They might take 26 weeks as they need to grow up then they fill out even more mine start around 24 weeks unless it's real hot then they wait I have some that are laying once in awhile but this week it's going to be over 105 every day it was 108 today I'm not expecting very many was 98 @7:30-84 right now @ 10pm we normally get in the 50's at night not tonight
You mean eggs? They might take 26 weeks as they need to grow up then they fill out even more mine start around 24 weeks unless it's real hot then they wait I have some that are laying once in awhile but this week it's going to be over 105 every day it was 108 today I'm not expecting very many was 98 @7:30-84 right now @ 10pm we normally get in the 50's at night not tonight
That's a plus, kinda, at least I know now that it isn't the heat and my birds should be ok then, lol. I have different types of chickens that are suppose to lay earlier though, sexlinks etc...
I have been buying about 1500 lbs a month of feed and it would be about 2000lb if I didn't use the barley.
-- wow, I feed about 100 lbs. a month. many birds do you have?
Quote: I hear ya on the feed bill. I'm working on some plans that will have to be implemented slowly over time to help fray costs and get better diet to my birds...and am in the middle of the gathering info phase and mulling over things, but hope to make some progress to start at least some of my plans next year.

I bought a small grain mill and buy shelled corn and oats in bulk and grind it with some fish meal and soy bean meal for protein and add nutri-balancer and kelp meal for minerals and the whole thing saves about a third compared to commercial feed and it is ground daily so the nutrients aren't lost. I've read that as soon as grain is cracked it looses nutrition quickly. Don't know if this is something like what you are considering but I thought it might help.

I'm afraid to see what feed costs are going to be like this winter. Between drought and fuel prices, I think we are doomed.
I understand most of you dont know me other than what few posts i have placed on here. I am still fairly new. But If all of you could have it in your hearts to pray for my family and I would be very grateful. I am an honest christian man who was brought up to have integrity. Unfortunately I have a lot of things and people who do not believe in these principles coming at me. It is threatening my way of life, my career, my family and my honor. I need all the prayers I can get that Gods will and blessing will be upon us. Thanks to all of you.
I would like to sell off some of my roosters, as I currently have too many (15-20). They are 5-month old, big, beautiful, non-aggressive, healthy Marans, D'Anvers, Silkies and Barred Rock cockerels. I would prefer to sell them to a good home than to have them sent to freezer camp. If anyone is interested and can pick up in CT Valley Area, please send me a PM.

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